
In/Out Parameter

The in/out parameter is of a Web service operation used for input and output.


Stands for Java Enterprise User Solution, which is a web application server. JEUS version 9 is compatible with the Jakarta EE 9.

Proxy Client

The proxy client is a Web service client created through a stub code which the wsdl2java Ant task created from a WSDL document.


Stands for SOAP message with Attachments API for Java. SAAJ is the standard Java API for processing a SOAP message defined by JCP(Java Community Process).


Stands for Simple Object Access Protocol. SOAP is the standard protocol defined by W3C in order to transport XML data on the network, regardless of the programming language and the operating system.


Web Application Server. Middleware to execute and manage complicated Web applications.


Web Service Description Language. WSDL is the standard XML instance defined by W3C in order to describe the Web service interface and implementation.