Server Management Commands

The following is a list of server management commands.

Command Description


Dynamically registers a custom resource to servers.


Dynamically registers data sources to a server.


Dynamically registers an external resource to servers.


Adds an invocation to a lifecyle invocation.


Adds a library reference to a lifecyle invocation.


Adds JVM to a server.


Adds a lifecycle invocation to a server or cluster.


Adds a listener to a server.


Dynamically adds a handler to a server logger.


Dynamically adds a logger to a server.


Sets SSL for a listener.


Sets the initialization point of the internal engines (Servlet, EJB, and JMS) of the servers to when the application was deployed.


Selectively disables the use of the internal engines (Servlet, EJB, and JMS) of a server.


Outputs the thread dump(s) of a server or servers that belongs to a cluster.


Sets the initialization point of the internal engines (Servlet, EJB, and JMS) of the servers to when the server boots.


Selectively enables the use of the internal engines (Servlet, EJB, and JMS) of a server.


Displays a list of binding names of objects bound to the JNDI context of a server.


Displays the information of a lifecycle invocation.


Displays the IP addresses of blocked clients.


Displays the JVM configuration of a server.


Displays lifecycle invocations of a server or cluster.


Displays the information of the handlers registered to a server logger.


Displays the information of the loggers registered to a server.


Displays the configuration of listeners of a server.


Terminates the currently connected server.


Checks for a logger registered to a specific server and the levels of the handlers registered to the logger.


Displays a list of Mbeans registered to a server.


Displays the memory information of a specific server or a server that belongs to a specific cluster.


Changes an invocation of a specific lifecycle invocation.


Changes a library reference of a specify lifecycle invocation.


Changes JVM configuration of a specific server.


Changes a lifecycle invocation of a specific server or cluster.


Changes a listener configuration of a server.


Changes a handler registered to a server logger.


Dynamically changes a logger registered to a server.


Dynamically deletes a custom resource registered to servers.


Dynamically deletes a data sources registered to a server.


Dynamically deletes an external resource registered to servers.


Deletes an invocation from a specific lifecycle invocation.


Deletes a library reference from a spcific lifecycle invocation.


Deletes the JVM configuration from a server.


Deletes a lifecycle invocation from a server or cluster.


Deletes a listener from a server.


Dynamically deletes a hander registered to a server logger.


Dynamically deletes a logger registered to a server.


Dynamically deletes a replicate group specified in a server or server template.


Resumes a temporarily suspended server.


Executes full gc on a server or servers that belong to a cluster.


Displays the current status of servers.


Checks the logs of a server.


Dynamically specifies a replicate group to a server or server template.


Checks the replicate group of a server or server template.


Monitors the current SCF view.


Starts a managed server.


Terminates managed servers that belong to a cluster. Even if the JEUS master server is included in the cluster, it is not terminated. Only available for the master server and managed server structure.


Terminates Managed Servers that belong to the current domain. Only available for the master server and managed server structure.


Terminates one or more managed servers.


Temporarily suspends a running server.


Displays the system information of a server.


Unblocks a cilent that has been blocked.

1. add-custom-resource-to-servers

Dynamically registers a custom resource to servers.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    add-custom-resource-to-servers <export-name>
                                   -servers <server-list>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    JNDI bind name of the custom resource to be registered in the server.

    -servers <server-list>

    Server list in which the custom resource is registered.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.


    Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>add-custom-resource-to-servers custom/dog -servers server1
    Successfully performed the ADD operation for A custom resource.
    Check the results using "list-custom-resources"

2. add-data-sources-to-server

Dynamically registers data sources to a server.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    add-data-sources-to-server -server <server-name>
                               [-ids <data-source-id-list> | -all]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server name in which data sources are registered.

    [-ids <data-source-id-list>]

    List of data source IDs to add in the server.

    To specify multiple IDs, separate each ID with a comma (,).


    Registers all data sources defined in the domain.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.


    Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>add-data-sources-to-server -server server1 -all
    Successfully performed the ADD operation for data sources to the server [server1].
    Check the results using "add-data-sources-to-server -server server1"

3. add-external-resource-to-servers

Dynamically registers an external resource to servers.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    add-external-resource-to-servers <export-name>
                                     -servers <server-list>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    External resource name to be registered in the server.

    -servers <server-list>

    Server list in which the external resource is registered.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.


    Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>add-external-resource-to-servers test/ext -servers server1
    Successfully performed the ADD operation for A external resource.
    Check the results using "list-external-resources"

4. add-invocation

Adds an invocation to a specific lifecycle invocation.

  • Alias

    addinvo, addinvocation

  • Usage

    add-invocation <method>
                   -type <invocation-type>
                   [-params <method-params>]
                   [-args <invocation-argument>]
                   -class <class>
                   -s,--server <server> | -c,--cluster <cluster>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Method name of the invocation to add.

    -type <invocation-type>

    Type of the invocation (time of calling the method).

    Specify one of the follows.

    • BOOT



    • READY



    For more information about the types, refer to Lifecycle Invocation Setting in JEUS Server Guide.

    [-params <method-params>]

    Changes the fully qualified class name of the method parameter. For multiple parameters, use spaces as delimiters.

    (Example: -params java.lang.String boolean)

    [-args <invocation-argument>]

    Arguments used to call the method. For multiple arguments, use spaces as delimiters. If an argument includes a space, enclose it in quotation marks.

    (Example: -args "tmaxsoft jeus" "hello world")

    -class <class>

    Class name of the lifecycle invocation to add.

    -s,--server <server> | -c,--cluster <cluster>

    Name of the server or cluster where the lifecycle invocation is located.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.


    Displays detailed results of the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>add-invocation methodName -type BOOT -class invo.invoTestClass -s server1 -params java.lang.String boolean -args "invocation test" true
    Successfully performed the ADD operation for Invocation [methodName](Invocation ID = 0),
    but all changes were non-dynamic. They will be applied after restarting.
    Check the results using "list-lifecycle-invocations or lifecycle-invocation-info".

5. add-invocation-library

Adds a library reference to a specific lifecycle invocation.

  • Alias

    addinvolib, addinvocationlibrary

  • Usage

    add-invocation-library <library>
                           -specVer <version>
                           [-specMatch <true | false>]
                           -implVer <version>
                           [-implMatch <true | false>]
                           [-fail,--failOnError <true | false>]
                           -class <class>
                           -s,--server <server> | -c,--cluster <cluster>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Name of the library to add.

    -specVer <version>

    Specification version of the libarary to add.

    [-specMatch <true | false>]

    Option to enforce matching the specification version. (Default value: false)

    -implVer <version>

    Implementation version of the library to add.

    [-implMatch <true | false>]

    Option to enforce matching the implementation version. (Default value: false)

    [-fail,--failOnError <true | false>]

    Option to fail the deployment if a shared library cannot be found. (Default value: false)

    -class <class>

    Class name of the lifecycle invocation to which a library reference is added.

    -s,--server <server> | -c,--cluster <cluster>

    Name of the server or cluster where the lifecycle invocation is located.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.


    Displays detailed results of the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>add-invocation-library libName -specVer 1 -implVer 1 -class invo.invoTestClass -s server1
    Successfully performed the ADD operation for Invocation Library [libName], but all changes were non-dynamic.
    They will be applied after restarting.
    Check the results using "list-lifecycle-invocations or lifecycle-invocation-info".

6. add-jvm-option

Adds JVM to a server.

  • Alias

    add-jvmopt, addjvmopt, add-jvm-config, add-jvmcfg, addjvmcfg

  • Usage

    add-jvm-option -server <server-name>
                   [-opt,--jvmOption <jvm-option>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server name.

    [-opt,--jvmOption <jvm-option>]

    JVM configuration to be added.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.


    Displays detailed results of the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>add-jvm-option -server server1 -opt "-Xmx256m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m"
    Successfully performed the ADD operation for JVM configuration for the server
    (sever1)., but all changes were non-dynamic. They will be applied after restarting.
    Check the results using "list-jvm-options or add-jvm-option"

7. add-lifecycle-invocation

Adds a lifecycle invocation to a specific server or cluster.

  • Alias

    addlifeinvo, addlifecycleinvocation

  • Usage

    add-lifecycle-invocation <class>
                             -s,--server <server> | -c,--cluster <cluster>
                             [-m,--method <invocation-method>]
                             [-type <invocation-type>]
                             [-params <method-params>]
                             [-args <invocation-argument>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Class name of the lifecycle invocation to add.

    -s,--server <server> | -c,--cluster <cluster>

    Name of the server or cluster where a lifecycle invocation is to be added.

    [-m,--method <invocation-method>]

    [Invocation option] To add an invocation along with a lifecycle invocation, you need to specify the method name of the invocation. Additionally, when adding an invocation, you must specify the invocation type. Therefore, the [Invocation option] must also be specified using the -type parameter.

    [-type <invocation-type>]

    [Invocation option] Type of the invocation (time of calling the method). To add an invocation along with a lifecycle invocation, you must specify [Invocation option] using -m and --method parameters.

    Specify one of the follows.

    • BOOT



    • READY



    For more information about the types, refer to Lifecycle Invocation Setting in JEUS Server Guide.

    [-params <method-params>]

    [Invocation option] Fully qualified class name of the method parameter. For multiple parameters, use spaces as delimiters.

    (Example: -params java.lang.String boolean)

    [-args <invocation-argument>]

    [Invocation option] Arguments used to call the method. For multiple arguments, use spaces as delimiters. If an argument includes a space, enclose it in quotation marks.

    (Example: -args "tmaxsoft jeus" "hello world")


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.


    Displays detailed results of the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>add-lifecycle-invocation sampleClass1 -s server1
    Successfully performed the ADD operation for Lifecycle Invocation Class [sampleClass1],
    but all changes were non-dynamic. They will be applied after restarting.
    Check the results using "list-lifecycle-invocations".
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>add-lifecycle-invocation sampleClass2 -s server1 -m methodName -type BOOT
    Successfully performed the ADD operation for Lifecycle Invocation Class [sampleClass2] and Invocation
    [methodName](Invocation ID = 0), but all changes were non-dynamic. They will be applied after restarting.
    Check the results using "list-lifecycle-invocations".

8. add-listener

Dynamically adds a listener to a server.

  • Alias

    addlistener, createlistener

  • Usage

    add-listener -server <server-name>
                 -name <listener-name>
                 [-addr <address>]
                 -port <port>
                 [-selectors <selectors>]
                 [-backlog <backlog>]
                 [-timeout <read-timeout>]
                 [-keepaliveTimeout <keepalive-timeout>]
                 [-rt,--reservedthreads <reserved-threads>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server name.

    -name <listener-name>

    Listener name to be added.

    [-addr <address>]

    Address of the listener to be added.

    -port <port>

    Port number of the listener to be added. The value must be between 1 ~ 65535, and the port number cannot conflict with the port numbers of other listeners.

    [-selectors <selectors>]

    Number of selectors to use.


    Uses separate selectors for reading and writing.

    [-backlog <backlog>]

    Backlog of the listener to be added.

    [-timeout <read-timeout>]

    [Dynamic] Read timeout for the listener to be added.

    [-keepaliveTimeout <keepalive-timeout>]

    Maximum time to wait before closing an unused socket.

    [-rt,--reservedthreads <reserved-threads>]

    Number of reserved threads used by the listener to be added.


    Forcibly obtains a lock for adding a listener.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>add-listener -server server1 -name Test -port 10000
    Executed Successfully
    Check the result using 'list-server-listeners -server server1 -name Test.
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-server-listeners -server server1 -name Test
    | address                                           | |
    | port                                              |   10000 |
    | selectors                                         |       1 |
    | dual-selector                                     | false   |
    | backlog                                           |     128 |
    | read-timeout                                      |   30000 |
    | keepalive-timeout                                 | not-set |
    | reserved-threads                                  |       0 |

9. add-log-handler

Dynamically adds a handler to a server logger.

  • Alias

    addloghandler, add-handler, addhandler

  • Usage

    add-log-handler -server <server-name>
                    -logger <logger-name>
                    [-level <handler-level>]
                    [-filter <filter-class>]
                    [-encoding <encoding>]
                    [-filename <file-name>]
                    [-enable <true | false>]
                    [-count <rotation-count>]
                    [-dir <rotation-dir>]
                    [-buffer <buffer-size>]
                    [-append <true | false>]
                    [-hour <hour> | -day <day> | -size <size>]
                    [-permission <permission>]
                    [-chown <chown>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server name.

    -logger <logger-name>

    Name of the logger that adds the handler.


    Handler name to be added.

    [-level <handler-level>]

    [Dynamic] Log level of the handler (Default value: FINEST)

    [-filter <filter-class>]

    Class name of the filter for log messages.

    [-encoding <encoding>]

    Encoding value for log messages.

    [-filename <file-name>]

    File name where logs are recorded.

    (Default value: loggerName.log. JeusServer.log for the JEUS logger)

    [-enable <true | false>]

    Option to enable file rotation (Default value: true).

    [-count <rotation-count>]

    Maximum number of log files for backup.

    [-dir <rotation-dir>]

    Path to the directory that stores backup log files.

    [-buffer <buffer-size>]

    Size of the buffer used to record log messages to a file.

    [-append <true | false>]

    Option to append logs to the previous file if the server reboots.

    (true | false, default value: true)

    [-hour <hour>]

    Writes a new log file every specified number of hours.

    [-day <day>]

    Writes a new log file every specified number of days.

    [-size <size>]

    Creates a new log file of the specified size.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.


    Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.

    [-permission <permission>]

    Permission used to set a log file. (Example: rwxrwxrwx)

    [-chown <chown>]

    Owner used to set a log file. The owner and group are separated by comma(,). (Example: owner-id,group-id)

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>add-log-handler -server server1 -logger jeus.jndi fileHandler -day 10
    Successfully performed the ADD operation for The handler for the logger(jeus.jndi)
    on the server(server1)., but all changes were non-dynamic. They will be applied
    after restarting.
    Check the results using "list-log-handlers or add-log-handler"

10. add-logger

Dynamically adds a logger to a server.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    add-logger -server <server-name>
               [-level <log-level>]
               [-useParentHandlers <true | false>]
               [-filter <filter-class>]
               [-formatter <formatter-class>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server name.


    Name of the logger to be added in the server.

    [-level <log-level>]

    [Dynamic] Log level of the logger.

    [-useParentHandlers <true | false>]

    [Dynamic] Option to use the parent logger handler. (true | false)

    [-filter <filter-class>]

    Class name of the filter for log messages.

    [-formatter <formatter-class>]

    Class name of the formatter to be applied to the logger.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.


    Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>add-logger -server server1 -level FINE
    Successfully performed the ADD operation for The logger for the server(server1).
    , but all changes were non-dynamic. They will be applied after restsarting.
    Check the results using "list-loggers or add-logger"

11. config-listener-ssl

Sets SSL for a listener.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    config-listener-ssl -server <server-name>
                    -name <listener-name>
                    -set | -del | -show
                    [-need | -want | -noauth,--unnecessary]
                    [-p,--protocol <protocol>]
                    [-cs,--cipherSuite <cipher-suites>]
                    [-ks,--keystore <keystore-file>]
                    [-kp,--keystorePass <keystore-pass>]
                    [-kkp,--keystoreKeypass <keystore-keypass>]
                    [-kt,--keystoreType <keystore-type>]
                    [-kma,--keyManagementAlgorithm <key-management-algorithm>]
                    [-alias,--keyAlias <key-alias>]
                    [-ts,--truststore <truststore-file>]
                    [-tp,--truststorePass <truststore-pass>]
                    [-tt,--truststoreType <truststore-type>]
                    [-tma,--trustManagementAlgorithm <trust-management-algorithm>]
                    [-crl <crl-file>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server name.

    -name <listener-name>

    Listener name.

    -set | -del | -show

    Option to set, delete, or show SSL configuration of the specified listener.

    [-need |-want| -noauth,--unnecessary]

    Client authentication method.

    [-p,--protocol <protocol>]

    Type of the SSL protocol to use in the specified listener.

    [-cs,--cipherSuite <cipher-suites>]

    Encoding method to use in the specified listener.

    [-ks,--keystore <keystore-file>]

    File that stores the server key to use in the specified listener and its corresponding authentication certificate.

    [-kp,--keystorePass <keystore-pass>]

    Key to open the specified keystore file.

    [-kkp,--keystoreKeypass <keystore-keypass>]

    Encrypted value for the server key stored in the specified keystore file.

    [-kt,--keystoreType <keystore-type>]

    Type of the specified keystore.

    [-kma,--keyManagementAlgorithm <key-management-algorithm>]

    Management algorithm for the key in the keystore file.

    [-alias,--keyAlias <key-alias>]

    Key alias of the authentication certificate.

    [-ts,--truststore <truststore-file>]

    File that stores the server authentication certificate.

    [-tp,--truststorePass <truststore-pass>]

    Password to open the truststore file.

    [-tt,--truststoreType <truststore-type>]

    Type of the specified truststore.

    [-tma,--trustManagementAlgorithm <trust-management-algorithm>]

    Management algorithm of the key stored in the truststore file.

    [-crl <crl-file>]

    File that stores the certificate revocation lists.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>config-listener-ssl -server server1 -name Test -set
    Executed successfully, but some configurations were not applied dynamically. It might be necessary to restart the server.

12. disable-engine-init-on-boot

Sets the initialization point of the internal engines (Servlet, EJB, JMS, ProObject) of the servers to when the application was deployed. To apply changes, restart the servers.

  • Related schema


  • Alias


  • Usage

    disable-engine-init-on-boot <server-list>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Server name. To specify multiple servers, separate each server with a comma (,).


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>disable-engine-init-on-boot adminServer,server1
    EngineInitOnBoot was successfully disabled.
    Applying configuration ...
    |                                    Result                                    |
    | Successfully changed only the JEUS Domain Configuration.                     |
    | Restart the server to apply the changes.                                     |

13. disable-engines

Disables the use of the internal engines (Servlet, EJB, JMS, and ProObject) of a server. To apply the setting, restart the server.

  • Related schema


  • Alias


  • Usage

    disable-engines <server-list>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Server name. To specify multiple servers, separate each server with a comma (,).


    Apply to all web, ejb, jms engines.


    Apply to the web engine.


    Apply to the ejb engine.


    Apply to the jms engine.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>disable-engines adminServer -all
    Change Engine to Disabled: Web EJB JMS
    Applying configuration ...
    |                                    Result                                    |
    | Successfully changed only the JEUS Domain Configuration.                     |
    | Restart the server to apply the changes.                                     |
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>disable-engines server1 -all
    Change Engine to Disabled: Web EJB JMS
    Applying configuration ...
    |                                    Result                                    |
    | Successfully changed only the JEUS Domain Configuration.                     |
    | Restart the server to apply the changes.                                     |
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>disable-engines server2 -web -ejb
    Change Engine to Disabled: Web EJB
    Applying configuration ...
    |                                    Result                                    |
    | Successfully changed only the JEUS Domain Configuration.                     |
    | Restart the server to apply the changes.                                     |

14. dump

Outputs the thread dump(s) of a server or servers that belongs to a cluster. Output is recorded in the server logs.

  • Usage

    dump [-clusters <cluster-list> | -servers <server-list>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    [-clusters <cluster-list>]

    Cluster name. To specify multiple clusters, separate each cluster with a comma (,).

    [-servers <server-list>]

    Server name. To specify multiple servers, separate each server with a comma (,).

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>dump -servers server1
    Dumping to the servers.
    The result of executing a dump of server processes.
    | Server |                       Result                       |
    | server1| Successfully dumped.                               |

15. enable-engine-init-on-boot

Sets the initialization point of the internal engines (Servlet, EJB, JMS, ProObject) of the servers to when the server boots. To apply changes, restart the servers.

  • Related schema


  • Alias


  • Usage

    enable-engine-init-on-boot <server-list>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Server name. To specify multiple servers, separate each server with a comma (,).


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>enable-engine-init-on-boot adminServer
    EngineInitOnBoot was successfully enabled.
    Applying configuration ...
    |                                    Result                                    |
    | Successfully changed only the JEUS Domain Configuration.                     |
    | Restart the server to apply the changes.                                     |

16. enable-engines

Enables the use of the internal engines (Servlet, EJB, JMS, and ProObject) of a server. To apply the setting, restart the server.

  • Related schema


  • Alias


  • Usage

    enable-engines <server-list>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Server name. To specify multiple servers, separate each server with a comma (,).


    Apply to all web, ejb, jms engines.


    Apply to the web engine.


    Apply to the ejb engine.


    Apply to the jms engine.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>enable-engines adminServer -all
    Change Engine to Enabled: Web EJB JMS
    Applying configuration ...
    |                                    Result                                    |
    | Successfully changed only the JEUS Domain Configuration.                     |
    | Restart the server to apply the changes.                                     |
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>enable-engines server1 -all
    Change Engine to Enabled: Web EJB JMS
    Applying configuration ...
    |                                    Result                                    |
    | Successfully changed only the JEUS Domain Configuration.                     |
    | Restart the server to apply the changes.                                     |
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>enable-engines server2 -web -ejb
    Change Engine to Enabled: Web EJB
    Applying configuration ...
    |                                    Result                                    |
    | Successfully changed only the JEUS Domain Configuration.                     |
    | Restart the server to apply the changes.                                     |

17. jndi-info

Displays a list of binding names of the objects bound to the JNDI context of a server.

  • Alias

    jndiinfo, jndilist

  • Usage

    jndi-info -server <server-name>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server name.


    JNDI context name.

    If <context-name> is a context, all objects bound to the context are displayed. If <context-name> is a leaf node, details of the object are displayed.

  • Example

    • context

      [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>jndi-info -server server1
      The JNDI list on the server1
      List of the context /
      |    Name    |                      Value                      | Local Binding |
      | JEUSMQ_DLQ | jeus.jms.common.destination.JeusQueue           | false         |
      | mgmt       | jeus.jndi.JNSContext                            | false         |
      [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>jndi-info -server server1 mgmt
      The JNDI list on the server1
      List of the context /mgmt
      | Name |                 Value                | Local Binding |
      | rmbs | jeus.jndi.JNSContext                 | false         |
    • leaf node

      [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>jndi-info -server server1 mgmt/rmbs/adminServer
      The JNDI list on the server1
      List of the context /mgmt/rmbs/server1
      |        Name       |                   Value                  | Local Binding |
      | mgmt/rmbs/server1 |     | false         |
      Reference class name :
      Reference Factory class name :
      [0] StringRefAddr : jmxmp, RefAddr type : protocol
      [1] StringRefAddr : Administrator, RefAddr type : host
      [2] StringRefAddr : 19736, RefAddr type : port
      [3] StringRefAddr : /JEUSMP_server1, RefAddr type : urlPath
      [4] StringRefAddr : 60000, RefAddr type : checktmout
      [5] StringRefAddr :, RefAddr type : ipaddr
      end of RefAddr

18. lifecycle-invocation-info

Displays the information of a lifecycle invocation.

  • Alias

    invoinfo, lifecycleinvocationinfo, lifeinvoinfo

  • Usage

    lifecycle-invocation-info -s,--server <server> | -c,--cluster <cluster>
                              [-class <lifecycle-invocation-class>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -s,--server <server> | -c,--cluster <cluster>

    Server or cluster in which the lifecycle invocation to display is located.

    [-class <lifecycle-invocation-class>]

    Class name for displaying the class of a specific lifecycle invocation.


    Displays library references of a lifecycle invocation.


    Displays invocations of a lifecycle invocation.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>lifecycle-invocation-info -s server1
    Target Name                    : server1
    Target Type                    : Server
    Lifecycle Invocation Class Name: invocation.ClassName1
    Library Ref Information:
    | Library Name | Specification Version | Implementation Version | Failon Error |
    |              |     (Exact match)     |      (Exact match)     |              |
    (No data available)
    Invocation Information:
    |  Invocation |   Invocation  |  Invocation Argument |   Method  |    Method   |
    |     ID      |     Type      |                      |   Name    |   Params    |
    |           0 | BOOT          |                      | bootMethod|             |

19. list-blocked-clients

Displays the IP addresses of blocked clients.

  • Alias

    listblocked, listblockedclients

  • Usage

    list-blocked-clients -server <server-name>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Name of the server that retrieves the addresses of blocked clients.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-blocked-clients -server adminServer
    |                               Blocked addresses                              |
    |                                                               |
    |                                                               |

20. list-jvm-options

Displays the JVM configuration of a server.

  • Alias

    list-jvmopt, listjvmopt, list-jvm-config, list-jvmcfg, listjvmcfg

  • Usage

    list-jvm-options <server-name>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Server name.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jvm-config adminServer
    List of JVM Configurations
    |                                  JVM Configs                                 |
    | -Xmx256m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m                                                |

21. list-lifecycle-invocations

Displays lifecycle invocations of a server or cluster.

  • Alias

    listinvo, listlifecycleinvocations, listlifeinvo

  • Usage

    list-lifecycle-invocations [-s,--server <server> | -c,--cluster <cluster>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    [-s,--server <server> | -c,--cluster <cluster>]

    Displays lifecyle invocations of a specified server or cluster.

  • Example

    List of Lifecycle invocations
    |      Target      |  Lifecycle Invocation  |  Invocation Library | Invocation |
    |                  |         Class          |         Ref         |            |
    | [Server]adminSer | lifecycle.LifeCycleTes |                     | [0]boot    |
    |ver               |ter                     |                     |            |
    | [Server]server1  | invocation.ClassName1  |                     | [0]bootMet |
    |                  |                        |                     |hod         |
    | [Server]server1  | invocation.ClassName2  | libName             | [0]method1,|
    |                  |                        |                     | [1]method2 |
    Use the "lifecycle-invocation-info" command for more information about Lifecycle invocation.

22. list-log-handlers

Displays the information of handlers registered to a server logger.

  • Alias

    listloghandlers, listhandlers, list-handlers

  • Usage

    list-log-hanlders -server <server-name>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server name.


    Name of the logger.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-log-handlers -server adminServer jeus.deploy
    List of Loggers
    |        Name       |                           Value                          |
    | Handler Name      | fileHandler                                              |
    | Handler Type      | FileHandlerType                                          |
    | Handler Level     | FINEST                                                   |
    | Filename          | jeus.deploy.log                                          |
    | Enable Rotation   | true                                                     |
    | Rotation Directory| ${SERVER_HOME}/logs                                      |
    | Valid Day         | 1                                                        |
    | Buffer Size       | 1024                                                     |
    | Logging to Append | true                                                     |

23. list-loggers

Displays the information of loggers registered to a server.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    list-loggers <server-name>
                 [-logger <logger-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Server name.


    Logger name.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-loggers server1
    List of Loggers
    |    Logger Name   | Level|     Use Parent Handlers    | Filter| Formatter|
    | jeus             | INFO | false                      |       |          |
    |    | FINE | true                       |       |          |

24. list-server-listeners

Dynamically displays the configuration of listeners of a server.

  • Alias

    listener, serverlistener

  • Usage

    list-server-listeners -server <server-name>
                          [-name <listener-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server name.

    [-name <listener-name>]

    Name of the listener to display.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-server-listeners -server adminServer
    |             listener-name            | address | port |
    | base                                 | | 9736 |
    | jms                                  | | 9741 |
    | http-listener                        | not-set | 8088 |
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-server-listeners -server adminServer -name base
    | address                                           | |
    | port                                              |    9736 |
    | selectors                                         |         |
    | dual-selector                                     | false   |
    | backlog                                           |     128 |
    | read-timeout                                      |   30000 |
    | reserved-threads                                  |       0 |

25. local-shutdown

Terminates the currently connected server.

  • Alias

    localdown, localjeusexit

  • Usage

    local-shutdown [-to,--shutdowntimeout <timeout> | -f,--force | -g,--graceful]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    [-f, --force]

    Forcibly shuts down the server instead of gracefully shutting down.

    [-g, --graceful]

    Option to shut down servers gracefully. If set, the system waits indefinitely for a server to complete the current request.

    [-to, --shutdowntimeout <timeout>]

    Sets the timeout to shut down the server gracefully. The server waits the specified period for the current request to complete. (Unit: second)


    Terminates the servers immediately without the user’s consent.

  • Example

    Terminates the currently connected server by using the local-shutdown command.

    Executing this command affects the service. Do you want to continue? (y/n)n
    [local-shutdown] has been canceled.
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>local-shutdown -i
    The server [adminServer] has been shut down successfully.

26. log-level

Checks for a logger registered to a specific server and the levels of the handlers registered to the logger.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    log-level -server <server-name>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server name.


    Name of the logger to be checked.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>log-level -server server1 jeus
    The logger[jeus] information for the server [server1]
    Information about the logger[jeus].
    Logger Name : jeus
    Level : INFO
    Use Parent Handlers : false
    | Handler Name| Handler Type|        Handler Level       |
    | FileHandler | FileHandler | FINEST                     |

27. mbean-info

Displays a list of Mbeans registered to a server.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    mbean-info -server <server-name>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server name.


    Query for an object name.

    Displays a list of MBeans with the specified object name. For more information about queried object names, refer to JEUS JMX Guide.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>mbean-info -server server1
    The object names of MBeans on the server [server1].
    | JEUS:j2eeType=JeusService,jeusType=ServerNodeManagerService,JMXManager=server|
    |1,J2EEServer=server1,name=server1                                             |
    | JEUS:j2eeType=J2EEServer,JMXManager=server1,isTargetable=true,J2EEDomain=doma|
    |in1,name=server1                                                              |
    | JEUS:j2eeType=JMSResource,JMXManager=server1,J2EEServer=server1,name=server1_|
    |jms                                                                           |
    | JEUS:j2eeType=JeusService,jeusType=SecurityDomain,JMXManager=server1,J2EEDoma|
    |in=domain1,SecurityService=SecurityService,name=SYSTEM_DOMAIN                 |
    | JEUS:j2eeType=JeusService,jeusType=JEUSMPConnector,JMXManager=server1,J2EESer|
    |ver=server1,name=server1                                                      |
    | JEUS:j2eeType=JeusService,jeusType=ThreadPool,JMXManager=server1,J2EEServer=s|
    |erver1,name=threadpool.System                                                 |
    | JEUS:j2eeType=JeusService,jeusType=WebListener,JMXManager=server1,WebEngine=s|
    |erver1_servlet,J2EEServer=server1,name=ADMIN-HTTP                             |
    | JEUS:j2eeType=JeusService,jeusType=ThreadPool,JMXManager=server1,J2EEServer=s|
    |erver1,name=EJBTimerService                                                   |
    | JEUS:j2eeType=JDBCResource,JMXManager=server1,J2EEServer=server1,name=server1|
    | JEUS:j2eeType=JeusService,jeusType=ThreadPool_WEBC,JMXManager=server1,WebEngi|
    |ne=server1_servlet,J2EEServer=server1,WebListener=ADMIN-HTTP,name=ADMIN-HTTP  |
    | JEUS:j2eeType=JeusService,jeusType=EJBEngine,JMXManager=server1,J2EEServer=se|
    |rver1,name=server1_ejb                                                        |
    | JEUS:j2eeType=JeusService,jeusType=JNDIResourceService,JMXManager=server1,J2E|
    |EServer=server1,name=server1                                                  |
    | JEUS:j2eeType=JeusService,jeusType=SecurityService,JMXManager=server1,J2EEDom|
    |ain=domain1,J2EEServer=server1,name=SecurityService                           |
    | JEUS:j2eeType=JeusService,jeusType=WebEngine,JMXManager=server1,J2EEServer=se|
    |rver1,name=server1_servlet                                                    |
    | JEUS:j2eeType=JeusService,jeusType=SecuritySubject,JMXManager=server1,J2EEDom|
    |ain=domain1,SecurityDomain=SYSTEM_DOMAIN,name=Subject                         |
    | JEUS:j2eeType=JeusService,jeusType=ThreadPool,JMXManager=server1,J2EEServer=s|
    |erver1,name=server1                                                           |
    | JEUS:j2eeType=JeusService,jeusType=JMSServiceChannel,JMXManager=server1,J2EES|
    |erver=server1,JMSResource=server1_jms,name=JMSServiceChannel-default          |
    | JEUS:j2eeType=Console,JMXManager=server1,J2EEServer=server1,name=server1     |
    | JEUS:j2eeType=JeusService,jeusType=JDBCResourceService,JMXManager=server1,J2E|
    |EServer=server1,name=server1                                                  |
    | JEUS:j2eeType=JVM,JMXManager=server1,J2EEServer=server1,name=server1         |
    | JEUS:j2eeType=JTAResource,JMXManager=server1,J2EEServer=server1,name=server1 |
    | JEUS:j2eeType=JeusService,jeusType=JMSEngine,JMXManager=server1,J2EEServer=se|
    |rver1,name=server1_jms                                                        |
    | JEUS:j2eeType=JeusService,jeusType=JMSDestinationResource,JMXManager=server1,|
    |J2EEServer=server1,JMSResource=server1_jms,name=JEUSMQ_DLQ                    |
    | JEUS:j2eeType=JeusService,jeusType=SecurityPolicy,JMXManager=server1,J2EEDoma|
    |in=domain1,SecurityDomain=SYSTEM_DOMAIN,name=Policy                           |

28. memory-info

Displays the memory information of a specific server or a server that belongs to a specific cluster.

  • Alias

    memorystatus, memstatus, memoryinfo, meminfo

  • Usage

    memory-info [-clusters <cluster-list> | -servers <server-list>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    [-clusters <cluster-list>]

    Cluster name. To specify multiple clusters, separate each cluster with a comma (,).

    [-servers <server-list>]

    Server name. To specify multiple servers, separate each server with a comma (,).

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>memory-info -servers server1
    Domain [domain1] Memory Information
    Memory Information
    | Server | Total Amount of Memory |       The Current Amount of Memory      |
    | server1|              110362624 |                                55153456 |

29. modify-invocation

Changes an invocation of a specific lifecycle invocation.

  • Alias

    modinvo, modifyinvocation, modifyinvo

  • Usage

    modify-invocation -id <invocation-id> | -m,--method <invocation-method>
                      [-mv,--rename <invocation-method>]
                      [-type <invocation-type>]
                      [-params <method-params>]
                      [-args <invocation-argument>]
                      -class <class>
                      -s,--server <server> | -c,--cluster <cluster>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -id <invocation-id> | -m,--method <invocation-method>

    Specifies invocations as either IDs or method names to be changed. If there are multiple invocations with the same method names, specify them using their corresponding IDs.

    [-mv,--rename <invocation-method>]

    Changes method names of invocations.

    [-type <invocation-type>]

    Changes the invocation type (time of calling method).

    Specify one of the follows.

    • BOOT



    • READY



    For more information about the types, refer to Lifecycle Invocation Setting in JEUS Server Guide.

    [-params <method-params>]

    Changes the fully qualified class name of the method parameter. For multiple parameters, use spaces as delimiters.

    (Example: -params java.lang.String boolean)

    [-args <invocation-argument>]

    Changes the argument used to call methods. For multiple parameters, use spaces as delimiters. If an argument includes a space, enclose it in quotation marks.

    (Example: -args "tmaxsoft jeus" "hello world")

    -class <class>

    Class name of the lifecycle invocation where the invocation is located.

    -s,--server <server> | -c,--cluster <cluster>

    Name of the server or cluster where the lifecycle invocation is located.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.


    Displays detailed results of the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>modify-invocation -m bootMethod -mv newMethod
    -class invocation.ClassName1 -s server1
    Successfully performed the MODIFY operation for Invocation [newMethod](Invocation ID = 0), but all changes were non-dynamic. They will be applied after restarting.
    Check the results using "list-lifecycle-invocations or lifecycle-invocation-info".

30. modify-invocation-library

Changes a library reference of a specify lifecycle invocation.

  • Alias

    modinvolib, modifyinvocationlibrary, modifyinvolib

  • Usage

    modify-invocation-library <library>
                              [-mv,--rename <invocation-library>]
                              [-specVer <version>]
                              [-specMatch <true | false>]
                              [-implVer <version>]
                              [-implMatch <true | false>]
                              [-fail,--failOnError <true | false>]
                              -class <class>
                              -s,--server <server> | -c,--cluster <cluster>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Name of a library refrence.

    [-mv,--rename <invocation-library>]

    Changes a library reference.

    [-specVer <version>]

    Modifies the specification version of the library.

    [-specMatch <true | false>]

    Changes the option to enforce matching the specification version.

    [-implVer <version>]

    Changes the implementation version of the library.

    [-implMatch <true | false>]

    Changes the option to enforce matching the implementation version.

    [-fail,--failOnError <true | false>]

    Changes the option to fail the deployment if a shared library cannot be found.

    -class <class>

    Class name of the lifecycle invocation where the library reference is located.

    -s,--server <server> | -c,--cluster <cluster>

    Name of the server or cluster where the lifecycle invocation is located.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.


    Displays detailed results of the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>modify-invocation-library libName -mv newLibName
    -class invo.invoTestClass2 -s server1
    Successfully performed the MODIFY operation for Invocation Library [newLibName], but all changes were non-dynamic.
    They will be applied after restarting.
    Check the results using "list-lifecycle-invocations or lifecycle-invocation-info".

31. modify-jvm-option

Changes the JVM configuration of a server.

  • Alias

    modify-jvmopt, modifyjvmopt, modify-jvm-config, modify-jvmcfg

  • Usage

    modify-jvm-option -server <server-name>
                      [-old,--oldOption <jvm-option>]
                      [-new,--newOption <jvm-option>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server name.

    [-old,--oldOption <jvm-option>]

    JVM configuration before change. The current JVM configuration.

    [-new,--newOption <jvm-option>]

    JVM configuration to be changed.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.


    Displays detailed results of the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>modify-jvm-option -server server1
    -old "-Xmx256m -XX:Ma xPermSize=128m" -new "-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m"
    Successfully performed the MODIFY operation for JVM configuration for the server
    (server1)., but all changes were non-dynamic. They will be applied after restarting.
    Check the results using "list-jvm-options or modify-jvm-option"

32. modify-lifecycle-invocation

Changes a lifecycle invocation of a specific server or cluster.

  • Alias

    modlifeinvo, modifylifecycleinvocation, modifylifeinvo

  • Usage

    modify-lifecycle-invocation <class>
                                [-mv,--rename <lifecycle-invocation-class>]
                                -s,--server <server> | -c,--cluster <cluster>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Class name of the lifecycle invocation to modify.

    [-mv,--rename <lifecycle-invocation-class>]

    Changes the class name of the lifecycle invocation.

    -s,--server <server> | -c,--cluster <cluster>

    Name of the server or cluster where the lifecycle invocation is located.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.


    Displays detailed results of the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>modify-lifecycle-invocation sampleClass1 -mv className3 -s server1
    Successfully performed the ADD operation for Lifecycle Invocation Class [className3], but all changes were non-dynamic.
    They will be applied after restarting.
    Check the results using "list-lifecycle-invocations".

33. modify-listener

Changes the listener configuration of a server.

  • Alias

    modifylistener, editlistener

  • Usage

    modify-listener -server <server-name>
                    -name <listener-name>
                    [-addr <address>]
                    [-port <port>]
                    [-selectors <selectors>]
                    [-backlog <backlog>]
                    [-timeout <read-timeout>]
                    [-keepaliveTimeout <keepalive-timeout>]
                    [-rt,--reservedthreads <reserved-threads>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server name.

    -name <listener-name>

    Listener name to be changed.

    [-addr <address>]

    Address of the listener to be changed.

    -port <port>

    Port number of the listener to be changed. The value must be between 1 ~ 65535, and the port number cannot conflict with the port numbers of other listeners.

    [-selectors <selectors>]

    Number of selectors to use.


    Uses separate selectors for reading and writing.

    [-backlog <backlog>]

    Backlog of the listener to be changed.

    [-timeout <read-timeout>]

    [Dynamic] Read timeout for the listener to be changed.

    [-keepaliveTimeout <keepalive-timeout>]

    Maximum time to wait before closing an unused socket.

    [-rt,--reservedthreads <reserved-threads>]

    Number of reserved threads used by the listener to be changed.


    Forcibly gets a lock for changing the listener configuration.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>modify-listener -server adminServer -name base -dual -b acklog 250
    Executed successfully, but some configurations were not applied dynamically. It
    might be necessary to restart the server.
    Check the result using 'list-server-listeners -server adminServer -name base.
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-server-listeners -server adminServer -name base
    | address                                           | |
    | port                                              |    9736 |
    | selectors                                         |      1  |
    | dual-selector                                     | true    |
    | backlog                                           |     250 |
    | read-timeout                                      |   30000 |
    | keepalive-timeout                                 | not-set |
    | reserved-threads                                  |       0 |

34. modify-log-handler

Dynamically changes a handler registered to a server logger.

  • Alias

    modifyloghandler, modify-handler, modifyhandler

  • Usage

    modify-log-handler -server <server-name>
                       -logger <logger-name>
                       [-level <handler-level>]
                       [-filter <filter-class>]
                       [-encoding <encoding>]
                       [-filename <file-name>]
                       [-enable  <true | false>]
                       [-count <rotation-count>]
                       [-dir <rotation-dir>]
                       [-buffer <buffer-size>]
                       [-append <true | false>]
                       [-hour <hour> | -day <day> | -size <size>]
                       [-permission <permission>]
                       [-chown <chown>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server name.


    Name of the logger.


    Name of the handler to be changed.

    [-level <handler-level>]

    [Dynamic] Log level of the handler (Default value: FINEST)

    [-filter <filter-class>]

    Class name of the filter for log messages.

    [-encoding <encoding>]

    Encoding value for log messages.

    [-filename <file-name>]

    File name where logs are recorded.

    (Default value: loggerName.log. JeusServer.log for the JEUS logger)

    [-enable <true | false>]

    Option to enable file rotation (Default value: true).

    [-count <rotation-count>]

    Maximum number of log files for backup.

    [-dir <rotation-dir>]

    Path to the directory that stores backup log files.

    [-buffer <buffer-size>]

    Size of the buffer used to record log messages to a file.

    [-append <true | false>]

    Option to append logs to the previous file if the server reboots.

    (true | false, default value: true)

    [-hour <hour>]

    Writes a new log file every specified number of hours.

    [-day <day>]

    Writes a new log file every specified number of days.

    [-size <size>]

    Writes a new log file of the specified size.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.


    Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.

    [-permission <permission>]

    Permission used to set a log file. (Example: rwxrwxrwx)

    [-chown <chown>]

    Owner used to set a log file. The owner and group are separated by comma(,). (Example: owner-id,group-id)

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>modify-log-handler -server server1 -logger jeus newHandler -level CONFIG
    Successfully performed the MODIFY operation for The handler(FileHandler) for the
     logger(jeus) in server (server1).
    Check the results using "modify-log-handler"

35. modify-logger

Dynamically changes a logger registered to a server.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    modify-logger -server <server-name> <logger-name>
                  [-level <log-level>]
                  [-useParentHandlers <true | false>]
                  [-filter <filter-class>]
                  [-formatter <formatter-class>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server name.


    Name of the logger.

    [-level <log-level>]

    [Dynamic] Log level of the logger.

    [-useParentHandlers <true | false>]

    [Dynamic] Option to use the parent logger handler. (true | false)

    [-filter <filter-class>]

    Class name of the filter for log messages.

    [-formatter <formatter-class>]

    Class name of the formatter to be applied to the logger.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.


    Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>modify-logger -server server1 -level FINEST -useParentHandlers false
    Successfully performed the MODIFY operation for The logger[] inform
    ation for the server [server1].
    Check the results using "modify-logger"

36. remove-custom-resource-from-servers

Dynamically deletes the custom resource registered to servers.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    remove-custom-resource-from-servers <export-name>
                                        -servers <server-list>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    JNDI bind name of the custom resource to be deleted from the server.

    -servers <server-list>

    Server list from which the custom resource is deleted.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.


    Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>remove-custom-resource-from-servers custom/dog -servers server1
    Successfully performed the REMOVE operation for A custom resource.
    Check the results using "list-custom-resources"

37. remove-data-sources-from-server

Dynamically deletes data sources registered to a server.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    remove-data-sources-from-server -server <server-name>
                                    [-ids <data-source-id-list> | -all]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server name from which data sources are to be deleted.

    [-ids <data-source-id-list>]

    List of data source IDs to delete in the server.

    To specify multiple IDs, separate each ID with a comma (,).


    Deletes all data sources registered in the server.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.


    Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>remove-data-sources-from-server -server server1 -ids data-source1
    Successfully performed the REMOVE operation for data sources from the server [server1].
    Check the results using "remove-data-sources-from-server -server server1"

38. remove-external-resource-from-servers

Dynamically deletes an external resource registered to servers.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    remove-external-resource-from-servers <export-name>
                                          -servers <server-list>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    External resource name to be deleted from the servers.

    -servers <server-list>

    Server list from which the external resource is deleted.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.


    Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>remove-external-resource-from-servers test/ext -servers server1
    Successfully performed the REMOVE operation for A external resource.
    Check the results using "list-external-resources"

39. remove-invocation

Deletes an invocation from a specific lifecycle invocation.

  • Alias

    rminvo, removeinvocation, removeinvo

  • Usage

    remove-invocation -id <invocation-id> | -m,--method <invocation-method>
                      -class <class>
                      -s,--server <server> | -c,--cluster <cluster>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -id <invocation-id> | -m,--method <invocation-method>

    Specifies invocations as either IDs or method names to be deleted. If there are multiple invocations with the same method names, specify them using their corresponding IDs.

    -class <class>

    Class name of the lifecycle invocation where the invocation is located.

    -s,--server <server> | -c,--cluster <cluster>

    Name of the server or cluster where the lifecycle invocation is located.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.


    Displays detailed results of the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>remove-invocation -m bootMethod -class invocation.ClassName1 -s server1
    Successfully performed the REMOVE operation for Invocation [bootMethod](Invocation ID = 0), but all changes were non-dynamic.
    They will be applied after restarting.
    Check the results using "list-lifecycle-invocations or lifecycle-invocation-info".

40. remove-invocation-library

Delets a library reference from a spcific lifecycle invocation.

  • Alias

    rminvolib, removeinvocationlibrary, removeinvolib

  • Usage

    remove-invocation-library <library>
                              -class <class>
                              -s,--server <server> | -c,--cluster <cluster>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Name of the library reference to be deleted.

    -class <class>

    Class name of the lifecycle invocation where the library reference is located.

    -s,--server <server> | -c,--cluster <cluster>

    Name of the server or cluster where the lifecycle invocation is located.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.


    Displays detailed results of the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>remove-invocation-library newLibName -class invo.invoTestClass2 -s server1
    Successfully performed the REMOVE operation for Invocation Library [newLibName], but all changes were non-dynamic.
    They will be applied after restarting.
    Check the results using "list-lifecycle-invocations or lifecycle-invocation-info".

41. remove-jvm-option

Deletes the JVM configurations from a server.

  • Alias

    remove-jvmopt, rm-jvmopt, rmjvmopt, remove-jvm-config, remove-jvmcfg, rm-jvmcfg, rmjvmcfg

  • Usage

    remove-jvm-option -server <server-name>
                      [-opt,--jvmOption <jvm-option>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server name.

    [-opt,--jvmOption <jvm-option>]

    JVM configuration to be deleted from the server.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.


    Displays detailed results of the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>remove-jvm-option -server server1 -opt "-Xmx256m -XX:Ma xPermSize=128m"
    Successfully performed the REMOVE operation for JVM configuration for the server
    (server1)., but all changes were non-dynamic. They will be applied after restarting.
    Check the results using "list-jvm-options or remove-jvm-option"

42. remove-lifecycle-invocation

Deletes a lifecycle invocation from a server or cluster.

  • Alias

    rmlifeinvo, removelifecycleinvocation, removelifeinvo

  • Usage

    remove-lifecycle-invocation <class>
                                -s,--server <server> | -c,--cluster <cluster>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Class name of the lifecycle invocation to be deleted.

    -s,--server <server> | -c,--cluster <cluster>

    Name of the server or cluster where the lifecycle invocation is located.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.


    Displays detailed results of the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>remove-lifecycle-invocation className3 -s server1
    Successfully performed the REMOVE operation for Lifecycle Invocation Class [className3], but all changes were non-dynamic.
    They will be applied after restarting.
    Check the results using "list-lifecycle-invocations".

43. remove-listener

Deletes a listener from a server. The base listener and listeners used in other configurations cannot be deleted.

  • Alias

    removelistener, deletelistener

  • Usage

    remove-listener -server <server-name>
                    -name <listener-name>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server name.

    -name <listener-name>

    Listener name to be deleted.


    Forcibly gets a lock for changing the listener configuration.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-server-listeners -server adminServer
    |            listener-name           | address |  port |
    | base                               | |  9736 |
    | jms                                | |  9741 |
    | http-listener                      | not-set |  8088 |
    | Test                               | not-set | 10000 |
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>remove-listener -server adminServer -name Test
    Executed Successfully, but some configurations were not applied dynamically. It
    might be necessary to restart the server.
    Check the result using 'list-server-listeners -server adminServer.
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-server-listeners -server adminServer
    |             listener-name            | address | port |
    | base                                 | | 9736 |
    | jms                                  | | 9741 |
    | http-listener                        | not-set | 8088 |

44. remove-log-handler

Dynamically deletes a handler registered to a server logger.

  • Alias

    removeloghandler, removehandler, remove-handler

  • Usage

    remove-log-handler -server <server-name>
                       -logger <logger-name>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server name.

    -logger <logger-name>

    Name of the logger from which a handler is deleted.


    Handler name to be deleted.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.


    Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>remove-log-handler -server server1 -logger jeus newHandler
    Successfully performed the REMOVE operation for The handler for the logger(jeus)
     on the server(server1)..
    Check the results using "list-log-handlers or remove-log-handler"

45. remove-logger

Dynamically deletes a logger registered to a server.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    remove-logger -server <server-name>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server name.


    Name of the logger to be deleted.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.


    Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>remove-logger -server server1
    Successfully performed the REMOVE operation for The logger for the
    Check the results using "list-loggers or remove-logger"

46. remove-replicate-group

Dynamically deletes a replicate group specified in a server or server template.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    remove-replicate-group [-template <name>]
                           [-server <name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    [-template <name>]

    Name of the server template where a replicate group is to be deleted. It cannot be used with the server option.

    [-server <name>]

    Name of the server where a replicate group is to be deleted. It cannot be used with the template option.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.


    Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>remove-replicate-group -server server1
    Successfully performed the REMOVE operation for Replicate Group Name.
    Check the results using "show-replicate-group".

47. resume-server

Resumes a temporarily suspended server or cluster.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    resume-server [-clusters <cluster-list> | -servers <server-list>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    [-clusters <cluster-list>]

    Cluster name. To specify multiple clusters, separate each cluster with a comma (,).

    [-servers <server-list>]

    Server name. To specify multiple servers, separate each server with a comma (,).

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>resume-server -servers server1
    Successfully resumed the servers.

48. run-garbage-collection

Executes Full Garbage Collection on a server or servers that belong to a cluster.

  • Alias

    rungc, gc

  • Usage

    run-garbage-collection [-clusters <cluster-list> | -servers <server-list>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    [-clusters <cluster-list>]

    Cluster name. To specify multiple clusters, separate each cluster with a comma (,).

    [-servers <server-list>]

    Server name. To specify multiple servers, separate each server with a comma (,).

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>run-garbage-collection -servers server1
    | Server |                      Result                     |
    | server1| Succeeded to GC.                                |

49. server-info

Displays the current status of a server.

  • Alias

    svrinfo, serverinfo, si

  • Usage

    server-info [-server <server-name>]
                [-state | -pid]
                [-g, --group <group-name> | -c, --cluster  <cluster-name> |
                -n, --node <node-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    [-server <server-name>]

    Server name.


    If a server is specified, this option displays the server state.


    If a server is specified, this option displays the server PID.

    [-g, --group <group-name>]

    Displays information about server in a specified group.

    [-c, --cluster <cluster-name>]

    Displays information about servers in a specified cluster.

    [-n, --node <node-name>]

    Displays information about servers in a specified node.

  • Example

    Information about Domain (domain1)
    | Server |  Status | Node|  PID  | Clus|     Latest     | Need to| Listen Ports| Running     |
    |        |         |Name |       | ter | StartTime/Shut |Restart |             | Engines     |
    |        |         |     |       |     |   downTime     |        |             |             |
    | adminSe| RUNNING | N/A | 12154 | N/A | 2016-08-26     | false  | base-| jms,        |
    |rver (*)|(00:21:46|     |       |     |(Fri) PM        |        |:9736        | ejb, web    |
    |        |)        |     |       |     |02:29:03 KST    |        | http-server-|             |
    |        |         |     |       |     |                |        | |             |
    | server1| RUNNING |node1| 12171 | clus| 2016-08-26     | false  | base-192.167| jms,        |
    |        |(00:04:03|     |       |ter1 |(Fri) PM        |        |.0.124:9836  | ejb, web   |
    |        |)        |     |       |     |02:36:22 KST    |        |             |             |
    | server2| RUNNING |node1| 12172 | clus| 2016-08-26     | false  | base-192.167| jms         |
    |        |(00:04:03|     |       |ter1 |(Fri) PM        |        |.0.124:9936  | ejb, web    |
    |        |)        |     |       |     |02:36:22 KST    |        |             |             |
    | ds1 (d)| SHUTDOWN|node1| N/A   | temp| N/A            | N/A    | N/A         | N/A         |
    |        |         |     |       |late1|                |        |             |             |
    |        |         |     |       |     |                |        |             |             |
    | ds2 (d)| SHUTDOWN|node1| N/A   | temp| N/A            | N/A    | N/A         | N/A         |
    |        |         |     |       |late1|                |        |             |             |
    |        |         |     |       |     |                |        |             |             |
    1. For the JEUS Master Server, asterisk (*) is attached to its name.

    2. For a dynamic server, (d) is attached to its name.

50. server-log

Checks the logs of a specific server.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    server-log -server <server-name>
               [-basetime <base-time>]
               [-endtime <end-time>]
               [-line <number-of-line>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Name of the server that retrieves the log.

    [-basetime <base-time>]

    Starting point of the log in time format.

    (Format: "yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss" or "HH:mm:ss")

    [-endtime <end-time>]

    Ending point of the log in time format.

    (Format: "yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss" or "HH:mm:ss")

    [-line <number-of-line>]

    Starting point of the log as a line number.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>server-log -server adminServer -line 10
    [2016.08.26 20:00:39][2] [adminServer-33] [NodeManager-0062] Exceed to count to
    connecting to the node manager. Verify that the node manager is functioning normally.
    [2016.08.26 20:00:59][2] [adminServer-33] [Console-0010] Attempting to execute
    a command: server-log from heejin@
    [2016.08.26 20:00:59][2] [adminServer-33] [Console-0012] An exception occurred
    while processing a command: server-log from heejin@
    [2016.08.26 20:01:45][2] [adminServer-76] [Console-0010] Attempting to execute
    a command: server-log from heejin@
    [2016.08.26 20:01:45][2] [adminServer-76] [Console-0012] An exception occurred
    while processing a command: server-log from heejin@
    [2016.08.26 20:02:26][2] [adminServer-36] [Console-0010] Attempting to execute
    a command: server-log from heejin@
    [2016.08.26 20:02:26][2] [adminServer-36] [Console-0014] The command: server-log
    from heejin@ is executed successfully.
    [2016.08.26 20:02:40][2] [adminServer-73] [Console-0010] Attempting to execute
    a command: server-log from heejin@
    [2016.08.26 20:02:40][2] [adminServer-73] [Console-0014] The command: server-log
    from heejin@ is executed successfully.
    [2016.08.26 20:08:16][2] [adminServer-76] [Console-0010] Attempting to execute
    a command: server-log from heejin@
    Successfully got the log messages from the server(adminServer).

51. set-replicate-group

Dynamically specifies a replicate group to a server or server template.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    set-replicate-group <ReplicateGroupName>
                        [-template <name>]
                        [-server <name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Name of the replicate group.

    [-template <name>]

    Name of the server template to which the replicate group will be specified. It cannot be used with server option.

    [-server <name>]

    Name of the server to which the replicate group will be specified. It cannot be used with the server template option.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.


    Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>set-replicate-group RepGrp -server server1
    Successfully performed the ADD operation for Replicate Group Name, but all changes were non-dynamic. They will be applied after restarting.
    Check the results using "show-replicate-group".

52. show-replicate-group

Checks the replicate group of a server or server template.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    show-replicate-group [-template <name>]
                         [-server <name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    [-template <name>]

    Name of the server template to which the replicate group will be specified. It cannot be used with server option.

    [-server <name>]

    Name of the server to which the replicate group will be specified. It cannot be used with the server template option.

  • Example

    Replicate Group Name in Server / Server Template
    |   Type   |     Name    |         Replicate Group Name        |
    | Server   | adminServer |                                     |
    | Server   | server1     | RepGrp                              |
    | Server   | server2     |                                     |
    | Template | tm1         | Test                                |
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>show-replicate-group -server ms1
    Replicate Group Name in Server / Server Template
    |  Type  |   Name  |            Replicate Group Name           |
    | Server | server1 | RepGrp                                    |
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>show-replicate-group -template tm1
    Replicate Group Name in Server / Server Template
    |   Type   | Name |            Replicate Group Name            |
    | Template | tm1  | Test                                       |

53. show-current-scf-view

Monitors the current SCF view.

  • Alias

    scfview, showscf

  • Usage

    show-current-scf-view [-dump]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Used to dump the server log.

  • Example

    Current SCF Views
    |                                 Group Leader                                 |
    | adminServer                                                                  |
    Synchronized View
    |  Server  |    Address    |  PID  |      Started Time     | State |   Groups  |
    |   Name   |               |       |                       |       |           |
    | adminSer | | 29660 | Tue Aug 30 02:43:15   | ALIVE | [domain1] |
    |ver       |736            |       |KST 2022               |       |           |
    | server1  | | 20500 | Mon Aug 29 10:21:27   | ALIVE | [domain1] |
    |          |9736           |       |KST 2022               |       |           |
    Individual View
    |  Server  |    Address    |  PID  |      Started Time     | State |   Groups  |
    |   Name   |               |       |                       |       |           |
    | adminSer | | 29660 | Tue Aug 30 02:43:15   | ALIVE | [domain1] |
    |ver       |736            |       |KST 2022               |       |           |
    | server1  | | 20500 | Mon Aug 29 10:21:27   | ALIVE | [domain1] |
    |          |9736           |       |KST 2022               |       |           |
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>show-current-scf-view -dump
    Current SCF Views
    |                                 Group Leader                                 |
    | adminServer                                                                  |
    Synchronized View
    |  Server  |    Address    |  PID  |      Started Time     | State |   Groups  |
    |   Name   |               |       |                       |       |           |
    | adminSer | | 29660 | Tue Aug 30 02:43:15   | ALIVE | [domain1] |
    |ver       |736            |       |KST 2022               |       |           |
    | server1  | | 20500 | Mon Aug 29 10:21:27   | ALIVE | [domain1] |
    |          |9736           |       |KST 2022               |       |           |
    Individual View
    |  Server  |    Address    |  PID  |      Started Time     | State |   Groups  |
    |   Name   |               |       |                       |       |           |
    | adminSer | | 29660 | Tue Aug 30 02:43:15   | ALIVE | [domain1] |
    |ver       |736            |       |KST 2022               |       |           |
    | server1  | | 20500 | Mon Aug 29 10:21:27   | ALIVE | [domain1] |
    |          |9736           |       |KST 2022               |       |           |
    Successfully dumped to server log.

54. start-server

Starts a specific MS. Available when the server is in STANDBY state.

  • Alias

    startserver, boot

  • Usage

    start-server <server-name>
                 [-f, --force]
                 [-s, --standby]
                 [-r, --restart-policy]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Server name.

    [-f, --force]

    Starts the server forcibly.

    [-s, --standby]

    Starts the server in STANDBY.

    [-r, --restart-policy]

    Sets a policy for restarting host instances. (Default value: Never)

    • Never: No restart when the process is terminated.

    • Onfailure: If the process is not terminated using sigkill or explicitly by user, the server restarts.

    • Always: If the process is not terminated explicitly by user, the server restarts.

    [-seq, --sequential]

    Sequentially starts the given servers.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>start-server server1
    Successfully started the server[server1]. The server state is now RUNNING.

55. stop-cluster

Terminates the managed servers that belong to a cluster. If the cluster includes the JEUS Master Server, it it not terminated.

  • Alias

    stopcluster, shutdowncluster, downcluster

  • Usage

    stop-cluster <cluster-name>
                [-to,--shutdowntimeout <timeout> | -f, --force | -g,--graceful]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Cluster name.

    [-to,--shutdowntimeout <timeout>]

    Sets the timeout to terminate servers gracefully. The server waits the specified period for the current request to complete. (Unit: ms)

    [-f, --force]

    Forcibly shuts down the servers instead of gracefully shutting down.

    [-g, --graceful]

    Option to shut down servers gracefully. If set, the system waits indefinitely for a server to complete the current request.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>stop-cluster cluster1
    The cluster [cluster1] was successfully stopped.

56. stop-domain

Terminates the Managed Servers that belong to the current domain. The local-shutdown command can be used to terminate the JEUS Master Server.

  • Alias

    stopdomain, shutdownall, downall

  • Usage

    stop-domain [-to,--shutdowntimeout <timeout> | -f, --force | -g,--graceful]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    [-f, --force]

    Forcibly shuts down the servers instead of gracefully shutting down.

    [-g, --graceful]

    Option to shut down servers gracefully. If set, the system waits indefinitely for a server to complete the current request.

    [-to,--shutdowntimeout <timeout>]

    Sets the timeout to terminate servers gracefully. The server waits the specified period for the current request to complete. (Unit: second)


    Terminates the servers immediately without the user’s consent.

  • Example

    Executing this command affects the service. Do you want to continue? (y/n)n
    [stop-domain] has been canceled.
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>stop-domain -i
    Stopping servers [adminServer, ms1].
    Stop server message to all managed servers in the domain were successfully sent.
    Unable to shut down JEUS Master Server. To shutdown JEUS Master Server, use the jeusadmin's "local-shutdown" command instead.

57. stop-server

Terminates one or more Managed Servers. You can use a timeout or enable graceful shutdown to protect transaction results.

  • Alias

    stopserver, down, shutdown, jeusexit

  • Usage

    stop-server <server-list>
                [-to,--shutdowntimeout <timeout> | -f, --force | -g,--graceful]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Server name. To specify multiple servers, separate each server with a comma (,).

    [-to,--shutdowntimeout <timeout>]

    Sets the timeout to terminate servers gracefully. The server waits the specified period for the current request to complete. (Unit: second)

    [-f, --force]

    Forcibly shuts down the servers instead of gracefully shutting down. (Default value)

    [-g, --graceful]

    Option to shut down servers gracefully. If set, the system waits indefinitely for a server to complete the current request.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>stop-server server1
    Stop server message to server [server1] was successfully sent.

58. suspend-server

Temporarily suspends a running server.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    suspend-server  [-clusters <cluster-list>| -servers <server-list>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    [-clusters <cluster-list>]

    Cluster name. To specify multiple clusters, separate each cluster with a comma (,).

    [-servers <server-list>]

    Server name. To specify multiple servers, separate each server with a comma (,).


    Option to suspend servers without the user’s consent.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>suspend-server -servers server1
    Successfully suspended server(s).

59. system-info

Displays the system information of a server.

  • Alias

    systeminfo, sysinfo, sys-info, system-information, system-ststus, systemstatus, systemst

  • Usage

    system-info [-process,--process | -jvm,--jvm | -CPU,--cpu |
                -patch,--patch | -memory,--memory]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Displays process information.


    Displays JVM information.


    Displays CPU information.


    Displays the patch information applied to the server.


    Displays memory information.


    Name of the server that displays system information.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>system-info -process adminServer
    System Information of Server [adminServer]
    Process Information [adminServer]
    |                         Key                         |  Value |
    | Process Id                                          | 719151 |
    | Thread Count                                        |    106 |
    | Process CPU Load                                    | 0.6 %  |
    | User Name                                           | User   |

60. unblock-client

Unblocks a cilent that has been blocked.

  • Alias

    unblockclient, unbanclient

  • Usage

    unblock-client -server <server-name> -address <client-ip>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Name of the server for which the client will be unblocked.


    Address of the client that will be unblocked.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>unblock-client -server adminServer -address
    Successfully unblocked.