Transaction Commands

The following is a list of transaction commands.

Command Description


Changes the configuration of the transaction manager of a server.


Recovers the resource manager of a server. Resources can be selectively recovered.


Checks the configuration of the transaction manager of a server.


Checks the transaction by its status on a server.

1. modify-transaction-manager

Changes the configuration of the transaction manager of a server.

  • Alias

    modify-tm, modifytm, tmconfig, tmconf

  • Usage

    modify-transaction-manager <server-name>
                        [-at,--activeTimeout <active-timeout>]
                        [-pt,--prepareTimeout <prepare-timeout>]
                        [-pdt,--preparedTimeout <prepared-timeout>]
                        [-ct,--commitTimeout <commit-timeout>]
                        [-rt,--recoveryTimeout <recovery-timeout>]
                        [-it,--incompleteTimeout <incomplete-timeout>]
                        [-d,--txLogDir <transaction-log-directory>]
                        [-a,--automaticRecovery <automatic-recovery-enable/disable>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Name of the server for which the transaction configuration is changed.

    [-at,--activeTimeout <active-timeout>]

    Period in which to commit when starting a transaction. If timeout occurs, the transaction is forcibly rolled back.

    [-pt,--prepareTimeout <prepare-timeout>]

    Period in which the root coordinator receives a response from a sub-coordinator after sending the prepare command.

    [-pdt,--preparedTimeout <prepared-timeout>]

    Period in which the sub-coordinator waits for global decisions from the root coordinator after sending the prepare response.

    [-ct,--commitTimeout <commit-timeout>]

    Period in which the root coordinator receives a response after sending the commit command to a sub-coordinator.

    [-rt,--recoveryTimeout <recovery-timeout>]

    Period in which to receive the recovery information. If timeout occurs, the recovery is delegated to the user.

    [-it,--incompleteTimeout <incomplete-timeout>]

    Period in which incomplete transactions recover. If timeout occurs, incomplete transactions are deleted.

    [-d,--txLogDir <transaction-log-directory>]

    Directory that stores transactions for recovery. For more information, refer to Recovery Related Log File in JEUS Server Guide.

    [-a,--automaticRecovery <automatic-recovery-enable/disable>]

    [Dynamic] Option to let another server recover incomplete transactions when an error occurs in the server. For more information, refer to Transaction Recovery in JEUS Server Guide.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.


    Displays detailed results of the configuration changes.

  • Example

    • Check the current configuration.

      [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>modify-transaction-manager server1
      Shows the current configuration.
      transaction of server (server1)
      | Active Timeout      | 600000                                                 |
      | Prepare Timeout     | 120000                                                 |
      | Prepared Timeout    | 60000                                                  |
      | Commit Timeout      | 240000                                                 |
      | Recovery Timeout    | 120000                                                 |
      | Incomplete Timeout  | 86400000                                               |
      | Tx Log Dir          | ${SERVER_HOME}/.workspace/tmlog                        |
      | Automatic Recovery  | false                                                  |
    • Dynamically turn on the transaction auto-recovery function.

      [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>modify-transaction-manager server1 -automaticRecovery true
      Successfully performed the MODIFY operation for transaction of server (server1).
      Check the results using "show-transaction-manager server1 or modify-transaction-manager sever1"
    • Change the timeout configuration that applies when the server reboots.

      [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>modify-transaction-manager server1 -activeTimeout 20000
      Successfully performed the MODIFY operation for transaction of server (server1),
      but all changes were non-dynamic. They will be applied after restarting.
      Check the results using "show-transaction-manager server1 or modify-transaction-manager server1"
    • Change the configuration that allows dynamic changes and the configuration that applies when the server reboots.

      [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>modify-transaction-manager server1 -automaticRecovery true -activeTimeout 20000
      Successfully performed the MODIFY operation for transaction of server (server1),
      but some changes were non-dynamic. They will be applied after restarting.
      Check the results using "show-transaction-manager server1 or modify-transaction-manager server1"

2. recover-transactions

Recovers the resource manager of a server. Resources can be selectively recovered.

  • Alias

    recovertx, tmresync

  • Usage

    recover-transactions -server <server-name>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server name.


    Resource type to be recovered.

    • sql : JDBC XADataSource

    • jms : JMS Connection Factory

    • connector: Connector Resource Adapter


    export-name of the resource.


    If the resource is a connector, sets the name of the connector module.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>recover-transactions -server server1 sql jdbc/derby/XADataSource
    The recover-transactions command was executed on the server1 server.

3. show-transaction-manager

Checks the configuration of the transaction manager of a server.

  • Alias

    show-tm, showtm

  • Usage

    show-transaction-manager <server-name>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Server name.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>show-transaction-manager server1
    Shows the current configuration.
    transaction of server (server1)
    | Active Timeout      | 600000                                                 |
    | Prepare Timeout     | 120000                                                 |
    | Prepared Timeout    | 60000                                                  |
    | Commit Timeout      | 240000                                                 |
    | Recovery Timeout    | 120000                                                 |
    | Incomplete Timeout  | 86400000                                               |
    | Tx Log Dir          | ${SERVER_HOME}/.workspace/tmlog                        |
    | Automatic Recovery  | false                                                  |

4. transaction-info

Checks the transaction by its status on a server.

  • Alias

    transactioninfo, txinfo

  • Usage

    transaction-info -server <server-name>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server name.


    Checks the running transactions, transactions in the memory that have not reached the commit or rollback step.


    Checks the incomplete transactions, transactions that require recovery or that have undetermined status.


    Checks the transactions to be retried within JEUS because one-phase-commit or two-phase-commit was not successfully performed due to problems with the resource manager.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>transaction-info -server server1
    <transactions of server1>
    In-Flight Transaction Information
    |        XID       | Coordina| Extern| Status | Timeout |  Elapse | XAResources|
    |                  |   tor   |al XID |        |         |         |            |
    | 049FE5.00C0A80011| 192.168.|       | STATUS | 5000(ms)| 7418(ms)| jdbc/derby/|
    |2608221CC3D6B40000|0.17:9736|       |_MARKED_|         |         |XADataSource|
    |000000000011.00   |         |       |ROLLBACK|         |         |            |
    In-doubt Transaction Information
    | XID|   Coordinator  |    External XID    | Status|  Decision  | Sub-XID|
    (No data available)
    Retrying Transaction Information
    | XID| Name|        Failuere Count        | Status| Decision|
    (No data available)