Web Engine Commands
The following are two types of web engine commands.
Monitoring and control commands
These commands are for checking or controlling the states of web contexts that are deployed. These commands also check and control the states of web engines.
Command Description Resumes a temporarily suspended web component (servlet).
Suspends a web component (servlet).
Reloads the specified context from a disk dynamically.
Displays web engine configurations.
Displays different statistics information about a web engine.
Specifies whether to delete thread local information stored in the web-connection thread pool.
Resets the statistical data requested by the specified component.
Displays the process flow for a request received through a URL pattern or a specific host name.
Precompiles the JSP files of deployed web contexts.
Notifies added or deleted web servers or JEUS managed servers.
Configuration change commands
These commands dynamically add, delete, or change the configuration of the web engine. Some commands may not immediately apply the changes to configurations. The modified configurations are saved in the domain.xml file but are not reflected in the currently running service (memory area). In order to apply the changes to the actual service, the server must be restarted.
Command Description Adds an HTTP Cookie Policy to the web engine.
Changes the HTTP Cookie Policy configurations of the web engine.
Deletes a Cookie Policy configuration.
Adds a Character Set Encoding configuration.
Changes the property configurations of the web engine.
Deletes a Character Set Encoding configuration.
Adds property configurations to the web engine.
Changes the property configurations of the web engine.
Deletes property configurations from the web engine.
Adds an HTTP Response Custom Header configuration.
Changes the HTTP Response Custom Header configuration.
Deletes an HTTP Response Custom Header configuration.
Changes the JSP engine configurations.
Adds a virtual host.
Changes certain configurations of virtual hosts.
Deletes a virtual host.
Adds a valve.
Deletes a valve.
Adds a valve property configuration.
Deletes a valve property configuration.
Adds a WebtoB connector.
Changes certain configurations of a WebtoB connector.
Deletes a WebtoB connector.
Displays WebtoB connector information.
Adds a backup WebtoB.
Deletes a backup WebtoB.
Adds a Tmax connector.
Changes the configuration of a Tmax connector.
Deletes a Tmax connector.
Adds an AJP listener.
Adds an HTTP listener.
Adds a TCP listener.
Changes the configuration of HTTP, TCP, and AJP listeners.
Deletes an HTTP, TCP, or AJP listener.
Changes the web engine configuration dynamically.
1. Shared Options
The following options are shared by web engine commands. Only one of the following options can be set.
[-cluster <cluster-name>] option
This option is used to specify the cluster to which each command applies. If the option is not set, the command is applied to the web engine of the currently connected server.
The description of this option is omitted from each command option description. Note that precompile-jsp does not offer this option.
[-server <server-name>] option
This option is used to specify the server to which each command is applied. If this option is not set, the command is applied to the web engine of the currently connected server.
The description of this option is omitted from each command option description.
2. add-ajp-listener
Adds an AJP listener.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/web-connections/ajp13-listener
add-ajp-listener -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f, --forceLock] -name <web-connection-name> -slref <server-listener-ref-name> -tmin <minimum-thread-num> [-tmax <maximum-thread-num>] [-tidle <max-idle-time>] [-qs <max-queue-size>]
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
-name <web-connection-name>
Listener name.
-slref <server-listener-ref-name>
Service listener name registered to the server.
-tmin <minimum-thread-num>
Minimum number of threads in the thread pools.
[-tmax <maximum-thread-num>]
Maximum number of threads in the thread pools. If not specified, it is the same as the -tmin value.
[-tidle <max-idle-time>]
Maximum idle time of worker threads before they are removed from the thread pools.
[-qs <max-queue-size>]
Size of the queue that holds tasks waiting to be processed in the thread pools.
add-ajp-listener -name ajp1 -server server1 -slref ajp-server -tmin 10
3. add-backup-webtob
Adds a backup WebtoB.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/web-connections/webtob-connector/webtob-backup
add-backup-webtob -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f, --forceLock] -name <web-connection-name> [-addr <server-address>] -port <server-port> | -dsocket [-wbhome <webtob-home>] [-ipcport <ipc-base-port>]
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
-name <web-connection-name>
Name of the WebtoB connector to which a backup WebtoB will be added.
[-addr <server-address>]
Backup WebtoB server address. If -port is used, this option is required.
-port <server-port>
Backup WebtoB server port number.
Option to use Unix domain sockets (pipes) for communication between JEUS and WebtoB.
[-wbhome <webtob-home>]
Absolute path to the backup WebtoB in case it is installed in the same machine as JEUS.
[-ipcport <ipc-base-port>]
Default port number used for communication between internal processes of WebtoB in a Windows environment.
add-backup-webtob -server server1 -name webtob1 -port 9999 -addr localhost
4. add-http-listener
Adds an HTTP listener.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/web-connections/http-listener
add-http-listener -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f, --forceLock] -name <web-connection-name> -slref <server-listener-ref-name> -tmin <minimum-thread-num> [-tmax <maximum-thread-num>] [-tidle <max-idle-time>] [-qs <max-queue-size>] [-http2]
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
-name <web-connection-name>
Listener name.
-slref <server-listener-ref-name>
Service listener name registered to the server.
-tmin <minimum-thread-num>
Minimum number of threads in the thread pools.
[-tmax <maximum-thread-num>]
Maximum number of threads in the thread pools. If not specified, it is the same as the -tmin value.
[-tidle <max-idle-time>]
Maximum idle time of worker threads before they are removed from the thread pools.
[-qs <max-queue-size>]
Size of the queue that holds tasks waiting to be processed in the thread pools.
Option to use HTTP/2.
add-http-listener -name http1 -server server1 -slref http-server -tmin 5 -tmax 10 -http2
5. add-response-header
Adds an HTTP Response Header configuration to the web engine. The Response Header is not case-sensitive. The changes only apply to the domain.xml file. In order to apply changes to the actual service, the server must be restarted.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/response-header
add-response-header -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f, --forceLock] [-n,--name <header-name>] [-v,--value <header-value>]
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
[-n,--name <header-name>]
Name of HTTP Response Header to be added. The name is case-insensitive. Each header name must be unique.
[-v,--value <header-value>]
Value of HTTP Response Header to be added. The value is case-insensitive.
add-response-header -server server1 -n testHeader -v testValue
6. add-tcp-listener
Adds a TCP listener. However, the TCP listener is only reflected in the domain.xml file. To apply the listener to services, the server must be restarted.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/web-connections/tcp-listener
add-tcp-listener -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f, --forceLock] -name <web-connection-name> -slref <server-listener-ref-name> -dcc <dispatcher-config-class> -tmin <minimum-thread-num> [-tmax <maximum-thread-num>] [-tidle <max-idle-time>] [-qs <max-queue-size>]
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
-name <web-connection-name>
Listener name.
-slref <server-listener-ref-name>
Service listener name registered to the server.
-dcc <dispatcher-config-class>
Class name that implements the jeus.servlet.tcp.TCPDispatcherConfig interface.
-tmin <minimum-thread-num>
Minimum number of threads in the thread pools.
[-tmax <maximum-thread-num>]
Maximum number of threads in the thread pools. If not specified, it is the same as the -tmin value.
[-tidle <max-idle-time>]
Maximum idle time of worker threads before they are removed from the thread pools.
[-qs <max-queue-size>]
Size of the queue that holds tasks waiting to be processed in the thread pools.
add-tcp-listener -name tcp1 -slref tcp -server server1 -dcc tcp.DispatcherConfigImpl -tmin 5 -tmax 10
7. add-tmax-connector
Adds a Tmax connector. The changes only apply to the domain.xml file. In order to apply changes to the actual service, the server must be restarted.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/web-connections/tmax-connector
add-tmax-connector -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f, --forceLock] -name <web-connection-name> -addr <server-address> -port <server-port> -svrg <server-group-name> -svr <server-name> -dcc <dispatcher-config-class> -tmin <minimum-thread-num> [-tmax <maximum-thread-num>] [-tidle <max-idle-time>] [-qs <max-queue-size>]
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
-name <web-connection-name>
Tmax connector name.
-addr <server-address>
Tmax server address.
-port <server-port>
Tmax server port number.
-svrg <server-group-name>
Server group name of Tmax server.
-svr <server-name>
Tmax server name.
-dcc <dispatcher-config-class>
Class name that implements the jeus.servlet.tcp.TCPDispatcherConfig interface.
-tmin <minimum-thread-num>
Minimum number of threads in the thread pools.
[-tmax <maximum-thread-num>]
Maximum number of threads in the thread pools. If not specified, it is the same as the -tmin value.
[-tidle <max-idle-time>]
Maximum idle time of worker threads before they are removed from the thread pools.
[-qs <max-queue-size>]
Size of the queue that holds tasks waiting to be processed in the thread pools.
add-tmax-connector -name tmax1 -addr -port 1024 -svrg group1 -svr server1 -server server1 -dcc serice.DispatcherConfig
8. add-virtual-host
Adds a virtual host.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/virtual-host
add-virtual-host -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f, --forceLock] <virtual-host-name> -list <host-name-list> [-tmin <minimum-thread-num>] [-tmax <maximum-thread-num>] [-tidle <max-idle-time>] [-qs <max-queue-size>]
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Virtual host name.
-list <host-name-list>
Domain name or IP address to be registered in the virtual host.
[-tmin <minimum-thread-num>]
Minimum number of threads in the thread pools.
[-tmax <maximum-thread-num>]
Maximum number of threads in the thread pools.
[-tidle <max-idle-time>]
Maximum idle time of worker threads before they are removed from the thread pools.
[-qs <max-queue-size>]
Maximum number of requests waiting in the queue of the thread pools.
add-virtual-host -server server1 host2 -list www.foo.com, -tmin 1 -tmax 10 -tidle 20000
9. add-valve
Adds a valve.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - pipeline/valve
add-valve -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f, --forceLock] -cn, --classname <class-name> -p, --properties <property> [-vh <virtual-host-name>]
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
-cn, --classname <class-name>
Specifies a valve class to apply to a server and virtual host. It must be a class that inherits JEUS ValveBase.
-p,--properties <properties>
Valve properties.
For a single property, use the "key=value" format.
To specify multiple properties, separate each property with a comma (,).
[-vh <virtual-host-name>]
Name of the virtual host to add a valve to. If not set, a valve is added at the server level.
add-valve -server server1 -cn UserValveBase -p jeus.servlet.jsp.compile-java-source-concurrently=false,userProperty=myValue
10. add-web-cookie-policy
Adds an HTTP cookie policy configuration. It is applied only in the domain.xml file. To apply the added setting to the actual service, restart the server.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/cookie-policy
add-web-cookie-policy -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f, -forceLock] [-auer,--apply-url-encoding-rule <apply-url-encoding-rule>] [-enc,--charset-encoding <charset-encoding>] [-vh <virtual-host-name>]
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
[-auer,--apply-url-encoding-rule <apply-url-encoding-rule>]
Option to apply URL encoding rules.
[-enc,--charset-encoding <charset-encoding>]
Charset encoding used when applying URL encoding rules. If not set, the request encoding value is used.
[-vh <virtual-host-name>]
Virtual host.
add-web-cookie-policy -server server1 -auer true add-web-cookie-policy -server server1 -enc EUC-KR
11. add-web-encoding
Adds a Character Set Encoding to the web engine. The changes only apply to the domain.xml file. In order to apply changes to the actual service, the server must be restarted. (To add an encoding, delete the existing encoding first. When encoding is changed, the change is applied after the server restarts.)
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/encoding
add-web-encoding -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f, -forceLock] <charset-encoding> -co | -default | -forced [-url] [-req] [-res] [-vh <virtual-host-name>]
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Character set encoding name to be set. If an invalid value is entered, an error message is displayed and the command fails.
-co | -default | -forced
Sets the entered encoding to either 'default' or 'forced'. For a request encoding, 'client-override' also can be set in addition to the two options.
Character set encoding of Request URL.
Character set encoding of requests.
Character set encoding of responses.
[-vh <virtual-host-name>]
Virtual host.
add-web-encoding -server server1 -default -url UTF-8 addenc -server server1 UTF-8 -forced -req -res
12. add-web-properties
Adds property configurations to the web engine. The added property is case-sensitive. The changes only apply to the domain.xml file. In order to apply changes to the actual service, the server must be restarted.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/properties
add-web-properties -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f, -forceLock] -p,--properties <properties> [-vh <virtual-host-name>]
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
-p,--properties <properties>
Properties to be added to the web engine.
For a single property, use the "key=value" format.
To specify multiple properties, separate each property with a comma (,).
[-vh <virtual-host-name>]
Virtual host.
add-web-properties -server server1 -p jeus.servlet.jsp.modern=false add-web-properties -server server1 -p jeus.servlet.jsp.compile-java-source-concurrently1=false,jeus.servlet.jsp.assure-utf8-file-encoding-detection=true
13. add-webtob-connector
Adds a WebtoB connector. The added WebtoB connector can be used for the actual service. Once added, the WebtoB address and port cannot be changed.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/web-connections/webtob-connector
add-webtob-connector -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f, --forceLock] -name <web-connection-name> -conn <connection-count> -regid <registration-id> -tmin <minimum-thread-num> [-tmax <maximum-thread-num>] [-tidle <max-idle-time>] [-qs <max-queue-size>] [-hth <hth-count>] [-useNio <true | false>] [-ver <wjp-version>>] [-addr <server-address>] [-port <server-port> | -dsocket] [-wbhome <webtob-home>] [-ipcport <ipc-base-port>] [-sndbuf <send-buffer-size>] [-rcvbuf <receive-buffer-size>]
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
-name <web-connection-name>
WebtoB connector name.
-conn <connection-count>
Number of connections to WebtoB.
-tmin <minimum-thread-num>
Minimum number of threads in the thread pools.
[-tmax <maximum-thread-num>]
Maximum number of threads in the thread pools. If not specified, it is the same as the -tmin value.
[-tidle <max-idle-time>]
Maximum idle time of worker threads before they are removed from the thread pools.
[-qs <max-queue-size>]
Size of the queue that holds tasks waiting to be processed in the thread pools.
[-hth <hth-count>]
Number of HTH processes.
[-useNio <true | false>]
Option to use NIO.
[-ver <wjp-version>]
Version of the protocol used to communicate with WebtoB. Enter 1 or 2.
[-addr <server-address>]
WebtoB server address. If -port is used, this option is required.
[-port <server-port>]
WebtoB server port number.
-regid <registration-id>
Registration ID in WebtoB.
Option to use Unix domain sockets (pipes) for communication between JEUS and WebtoB.
[-wbhome <webtob-home>]
Absolute path to WebtoB in case it is installed in the same machine as JEUS.
[-ipcport <ipc-base-port>]
Default port number used for communication between internal processes of WebtoB in a Windows environment.
[-sndbuf <send-buffer-size>]
SO_SNDBUF. The size of the send buffer of a TCP socket or the Unix domain socket.
If set to 0, the default value of the OS is used.
[-rcvbuf <receive-buffer-size>]
SO_RCVBUF. The size of the receive buffer of a TCP socket or the Unix domain socket.
If set to 0, the default value of the OS is used.
add-webtob-connector -server server1 -name webtob1 -conn 10 -tmin 10 -hth 2 -regid MyGroup -port 9999 -addr localhost
14. clear-thread-local
Specifies whether to delete the thread local information stored in all web-connection thread pools. By default, it is not deleted, and if deleted, each thread checks and deletes before executing a task. This function can be switched on/off.
Related schema
clrtl, cltl
clear-thread-local -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f,--forceLock] -wc <web-connection-name> -off | -on
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
-wc <web-connection-name>]
Web connection name.
-off | -on
-off: Does not clear thread locals.
-on: Clears thread locals.
clear-thread-local -server server1 -wc http-listener -on
15. clear-web-statistics
Resets the statistical data requested by the specified component.
Related schema
clrstat, clst, clrwebstat
clear-web-statistics -server <server-name> [-ctx,--context <context-name>] [-servlet <servlet-name>]
Parameter Description [-ctx <context-name>]
Context for which the request count, processing time records, and work thread information are deleted.
[-servlet <servlet-name>]
Servlet for which the request count and processing time records are deleted.
clear-web-statistics -server server1 -ctx ctx1
16. modify-jsp-engine
Changes the JSP engine configurations of the web engine. The changes only apply to the domain.xml file. In order to apply changes to the actual service, the server must be restarted.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/jsp-engine
modify-jsp-engine -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f, --forceLock] [-rjwd,--remove-jsp-work-dir | -jwd,--jsp-work-dir <jsp-work-dir>] [-javac,--java-compiler <java-compiler>] [-cod,--compile-output-dir <compile-output-dir> | -rcod,--remove-compile-output-dir] [-rcopt,--remove-compile-option | -copt,--compile-option <compile-option>] [-cij,--check-included-jspfile <check-included-jspfile>] [-kg,--keep-generated <keep-generated>] [-gjr,--graceful-jsp-reloading <graceful-jsp-reloading>] [-gjrp,--graceful-jsp-reloading-period <graceful-jsp-reloading-period>] [-umc,--use-in-memory-compilation <use-in-memory-compilation>]
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
[-rjwd,--remove-jsp-work-dir | -jwd,--jsp-work-dir <jsp-work-dir>]
The -jwd,--jsp-work-dir <jsp-work-dir> sets the location of the files created in Java from JSP and the class files created by compiling the files. The value must be a absolute path.
The configuration can be deleted using -rjwd,--remove-jsp-work-dir. If deleted, the default value of the engine is used.
[-javac,--java-compiler <java-compiler>]
Java compiler, which is used to compile Java source files of JSP to servlet class files.
Input options:
java6 (Default value)
The default value is recommended because it is the most efficient.
[-cod,--compile-output-dir <compile-output-dir> | -rcod,--remove-compile-output-dir]
The -cod,--compile-output-dir <compile-output-dir> stores class files created from JSP files to a different directory instead of the JSP Work Dir. If not set, class files are located in the JSP Work Dir.
The configuration can be deleted using -rcod,--remove-compile-output-dir. If deleted, the default value of the engine is used.
[-rcopt,--remove-compile-option | -copt,--compile-option <compile-option>]
Options used in the servlet compiler.
The value can be deleted using -rcopt,--remove-compile-option.
[-cij,--check-included-jspfile <check-included-jspfile>]
Checks if the included JSP file and Tag files are changed. If the file are changed, this option determines whether to recompile the JSP files.
[-kg,--keep-generated <keep-generated>]
Compiles Java source files created from JSP pages to create servlet class files, and then determines whether to store the Java source files.
[-gjr,--graceful-jsp-reloading <graceful-jsp-reloading>]
Compiles JSP files, which are exclusive on a JVM, into a batch type Java file. The JSP sources and compiled class files are shared.
This option only works when a shared directory is specified in JSP Work Dir.
[-gjrp,--graceful-jsp-reloading-period <graceful-jsp-reloading-period>]
Interval at which to perform Graceful JSP reloading.
[-umc,--use-in-memory-compilation <use-in-memory-compilation>]
When recompiling JSP files that are in use, 'java' and '.class' files are created in memory and compiled. '.class' files are written on a file system using a background thread so they are not recompiled during reboot.
If <keep-generated> is true, '.java' files are written on a file system using a background thread.
modify-jsp-engine -server server1 -jwd /home/jeus/jsp
17. modify-response-header
Changes the Response Header configuration to the web engine. The Response Header is not case-sensitive. The changes only apply to the domain.xml file. In order to apply changes to the actual service, the server must be restarted.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/response-header
modify-response-header -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f, --forceLock] [-n,--name <header-name>] [-v,--value <header-value>]
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
[-n,--name <header-name>]
Name of the HTTP Response Header to be changed. The name is case-insensitive. Each header name must be unique.
[-v,--value <header-value>]
Value of the HTTP Response Header to be changed. The value is case-insensitive.
modify-response-header -server server1 -n testheader -v testvalue3
18. modify-tmax-connector
Changes the thread pool configuration of a Tmax connector.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/web-connections/tmax-connector
modify-tmax-connector -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f, --forceLock] -name <web-connection-name> [-tmin <minimum-thread-num>] [-tmax <maximum-thread-num>] [-tidle <max-idle-time>] [-obuf <output-buffer-size>] [-addr <server-address>] [-port <server-port>] [-svrg <server-group-name>] [-svr <server-name>]
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
-name <web-connection-name>
Tmax connector name.
[-tmin <minimum-thread-num>]
[Dynamic] Minimum number of threads in the thread pools.
[-tmax <maximum-thread-num>]
[Dynamic] Maximum number of threads in the thread pools.
[-tidle <max-idle-time>]
Maximum idle time of threads in the thread pools.
[-obuf <output-buffer-size>]
Servlet response buffer size.
[-addr <server-address>]
Tmax server address.
[-port <server-port>]
Tmax server port number.
[-svrg <server-group-name>]
Server group name of Tmax server.
[-svr <server-name>]
Tmax server name.
modify-tmax-connector -name tmax1 -tmin 30 -server server1 -obuf 20000
19. modify-virtual-host
Changes the access log format configuration of virtual hosts. If the access log of a virtual host is not in the enable state, the server must be restarted to apply the command to the actual service.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/virtual-host
modify-virtual-host -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f, --forceLock] <virtual-host-name> [-tmin <minimum-thread-num>] [-tmax <maximum-thread-num>] [-tidle <max-idle-time>] [-aluph <true | false>| -alf <access-log-format> | -aluse <true | false> | -alhnl <true | false> | -alext <access-log-excluded-extensions>] [-hnrm <host-name> | -hnadd <host-name>] [-ast <attach-stacktrace-on-error>] [-fhn <access-log-handler-file-handler-name>] [-fhp <access-log-handler-file-handler-permission>]
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Virtual host name.
[-tmin <minimum-thread-num>]
[Dynamic] Minimum number of threads in the thread pools.
[-tmax <maximum-thread-num>]
[Dynamic] Maximum number of threads in the thread pools.
[-tidle <max-idle-time>]
Maximum idle time of threads in the thread pools.
[-aluph <true | false>]
[Dynamic] Option to record a web engine access log.
(true | false or t | f)
[-alf <access-log-format>]
[Dynamic] Access log format. If the option contains whitespace, wrap the option with double quotes (" "). For more information about log formats, refer to Access log format settings in JEUS Web Engine Guide.
[-aluse <true | false>]
[Dynamic] Option to use the access logs.
(true | false or t | f)
[-alhnl <true | false>]
[Dynamic] Option to use DNS Resolution for the IP address when logging in the %h format.
[-alext <access-log-excluded-extentions>]
[Dynamic] Extensions that do not leave any records in the access logs. To specify multiple extensions, separate each extension with a comma(,). E.g., '.gif', '.jpg'. Enter only a comma for no entry.
[-hnrm <host-name>]
Deletes a host name registered to the virtual host.
[-hnadd <host-name>]
Registers a new host name to the virtual host.
[-ast <attach-stacktrace-on-error>]
Option to attach the stack trace to the error page sent by JEUS.
[-fhn <access-log-handler-file-handler-name>]
Name of the file handler where permission is modified. This option is required when using the '-fhp'.
[-fhp <access-log-handler-file-handler-permission>]
Modifies the permission for accessing the log file. This option is required when using the '-fhn'.
modify-virtual-host -server server1 vhost1 -tmin 1 -tmax 20 -alf "common %I"
20. modify-web-cookie-policy
Changes the HTTP Cookie Policy configurations of the web engine. The changes only apply to the domain.xml file. In order to apply changes to the actual service, the server must be restarted.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/cookie-policy
modify-web-cookie-policy -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f, --forceLock] [-auer,--apply-url-encoding-rule <apply-url-encoding-rule>] [-enc,--charset-encoding <charset-encoding>] [-vh <virtual-host-name>]
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
[-auer,--apply-url-encoding-rule <apply-url-encoding-rule>]
Option to apply URL encoding rules.
[-enc,--charset-encoding <charset-encoding>]
Charset encoding used when applying URL encoding rules.
[-vh <virtual-host-name>]
Virtual host.
modify-web-cookie-policy -server server1 -auer false modify-web-cookie-policy -server server1 -enc UTF-8
21. modify-web-encoding
Changes the encoding of the web engine. The changes only apply to the domain.xml file. In order to apply changes to the actual service, the server must be restarted.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/encoding
modify-web-encoding -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f, --forceLock] <charset-encoding> -co | -default | -forced [-url] [-req] [-res] [-vh <virtual-host-name>]
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Character set encoding name to be changed. If an invalid value is entered, an error message is displayed and the command fails.
-co | -default | -forced
Sets the entered encoding to either 'default' or 'forced'. For a request encoding, 'client-override' also can be set in addition to the two options.
Character set encoding of Request URL.
Character set encoding of requests.
Character set encoding of responses.
[-vh <virtual-host-name>]
Virtual host.
modify-web-encoding -server server1 EUC-KR -forced -url modify-web-encoding -server server1 ISO-8859-1 -default -url -res -req
22. modify-web-properties
Changes property configurations of the web engine. The changed properties are case-sensitive. The changes only apply to the domain.xml file. In order to apply changes to the actual service, the server must be restarted.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/properties
modify-web-properties -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f, --forceLock] -p,--properties <properties> [-vh <virtual-host-name>]
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
-p,--properties <properties>
Properties to be changed in the web engine.
For a single property, use the "key=value" format.
To specify multiple properties, separate each property with a comma (,).
[-vh <virtual-host-name>]
Virtual host.
modify-web-properties -server server1 -p jeus.servlet.jsp.compile-java-source-concurrently=false
23. modify-web-engine-configuration
Changes the web engine configuration dynamically. The command can only change the configurations that apply to the actual service. The monitoring cycle and the access log format information can be updated.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine
setwebcfg, setwebconf, set-web-engine-configuration, modwebcfg, modwebconf
modify-web-engine-configuration -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f, --forceLock] [-tpp <monitoring/check-thread-pool>] [-crp <monitoring/check-class-reload>] [-sp <monitoring/check-session>] [-alf <access-log-format>] [-aluse <true | false>] [-alhnl <true | false>] [-alext <access-log-excluded-extensions>] [-ast <attach-stacktrace-on-error>] [-att <async-timeout-min-threads>] [-rerp | -erp <default-error-page>] [-fhn <access-log-handler-file-handler-name>] [-fhp <access-log-handler-file-handler-permission>]
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
[-tpp <monitoring/check-thread-pool>]
Thread Pool check cycle.
[-crp <monitoring/check-class-reload>]
Web context reloading check cycle.
[-sp <monitoring/check-session>]
Session check cycle.
[-alf <access-log-format>]
[Dynamic] Access log format. If the option contains whitespace, wrap the option with double quotes (" "). For more information about log formats, refer to Access log format settings in JEUS Web Engine Guide.
[-aluse <true | false>]
[Dynamic] Option to use the access logs.
(true | false or t | f)
[-alhnl <true | false>]
[Dynamic] Option to use DNS Resolution for the IP address when logging in the %h format.
[-alext <access-log-excluded-extentions>]
[Dynamic] Extensions that do not leave any records in the access logs. To specify multiple extensions, separate each extension with a comma(,). E.g., '.gif', '.jpg'. Enter only a comma for no entry.
[-ast <attach-stacktrace-on-error>]
Option to attach the stack trace to the error page sent by JEUS.
[-att <async-timeout-min-threads>]
Minimum number of threads pools used to handle timeout when asynchronous servlets in Servlet 3.0 are used.
Set a value greater than or equal to 1. Otherwise, timeout may not be handled correctly.
[-rerp | -erp <default-error-page>]
-erp <default-error-page> sets the error page used when an error page is not set in web applications. Only a static page (HTML, HTM) can be set. Use an absolute path. Using the -rerp option can delete the configuration.
[-fhn <access-log-handler-file-handler-name>]
Name of the file handler where permission is modified. This option is required when using the '-fhp'.
[-fhp <access-log-handler-file-handler-permission>]
Modifies the permission for accessing the log file. This option is required when using the '-fhn'.
The [-alf <access-log-format>] option is used.
modify-web-engine-configuration -server server1 -alf "common %I" modify-web-engine-configuration -server server1 -alf "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b"
The [-aluse <use-access-log >] option is used.
modify-web-engine-configuration -server server1 -aluse false
The [-alext <access-log-excluded-extentions>] option is used.
modify-web-engine-configuration -server server1 -alext .gif modify-web-engine-configuration -server server1 -alext .gif,.jpg
The [-alext <access-log-excluded-extentions>] option is used to remove the existing extension information.
modify-web-engine-configuration -server server1 -alext
The [-tpp <monitoring/check-thread-pool>], [-crp <monitoring/check-class-reload>], and [-sp <monitoring/check-session>] options are used.
modify-web-engine-configuration -tpp 10000 -crp 20000 -server server1 -sp 25000
The [-ast <attach-stacktrace-on-error>] option is used.
modify-web-engine-configuration -server server1 -ast true
The [-att <async-timeout-min-threads>] option is used.
modify-web-engine-configuration -server server1 -att 10
The [-rerp | -erp <default-error-page>] option is used.
modify-web-engine-configuration -server server1 -erp /home/jeus/error/error.html
24. modify-web-listener
Changes the thread pool configurations of the HTTP, TCP, and AJP listeners.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/web-connections/http-listener, ajp13-listener, tcp-listener
modify-web-listener -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f, --forceLock] -name <web-connection-name> [-tmin <minimum-thread-num>] [-tmax <maximum-thread-num>] [-tidle <max-idle-time>] [-obuf <output-buffer-size>] [-http2 <true | false>]
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
-name <web-connection-name>
Listener name.
[-tmin <minimum-thread-num>]
[Dynamic] Minimum number of threads in the thread pools.
[-tmax <maximum-thread-num>]
[Dynamic] Maximum number of threads in the thread pools.
[-tidle <max-idle-time>]
Maximum idle time of threads in the thread pools.
-obuf <output-buffer-size>
Response buffer size used by servlets.
[-http2 <true | false>]
Option to use HTTP/2.
modify-web-listener -name http1 -server server1 -obuf 200000 -http2 true
25. modify-webtob-connector
Changes the thread pool configuration of a WebtoB connector. The number of threads in the thread pools changes during the thread pool check cycle.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/web-connections/webtob-connector
modify-webtob-connector -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f,--forceLock] -name <web-connection-name> [-conn <connection-count>] [-hth <hth-count>] [-tmin <minimum-thread-num>] [-tmax <maximum-thread-num>] [-tidle <max-idle-time>] [-obuf <output-buffer-size>] [-ver <wjp-version>] [-addr <server-address>] [-port <server-port> | -dsocket] [-wbhome <webtob-home>] [-cloud <cloud-mode>] [-ipcport <ipc-base-port>] [-regid <registration-id>] [-sndbuf <send-buffer-size>] [-rcvbuf <receive-buffer-size>]
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
-name <web-connection-name>
WebtoB connector name.
[-conn <connection-count>]
[Dynamic] Number of connections to WebtoB.
[-hth <hth-count>]
Number of HTH processes.
[-tmin <minimum-thread-num>]
[Dynamic] Minimum number of threads in the thread pools.
[-tmax <maximum-thread-num>]
[Dynamic] Maximum number of threads in the thread pools.
[-tidle <max-idle-time>]
Maximum idle time of threads in the thread pools.
[-obuf <output-buffer-size>]
Servlet response buffer size.
[-ver <wjp-version>]
Version of the protocol used to communicate with WebtoB. Enter 1 or 2.
[-addr <server-address>]
WebtoB server address. If -port is used, this option is required.
[-port <server-port>]
WebtoB server port number.
[-regid <registration-id>]
Registration ID in WebtoB.
Option to use Unix domain sockets (pipes) for communication between JEUS and WebtoB.
[-wbhome <webtob-home>]
Absolute path to WebtoB when WebtoB is installed on the same machine as JEUS.
[-cloud <cloud-mode>]
Option to use the cloud mode.
[-ipcport <ipc-base-port>]
Default port number used for communication between internal processes of WebtoB in a Windows environment. Can be set when using -dsocket.
[-sndbuf <send-buffer-size>]
SO_SNDBUF. The size of the send buffer of a TCP socket or the Unix domain socket.
If set to 0, the default value of the OS is used.
[-rcvbuf <receive-buffer-size>]
SO_RCVBUF. The size of the receive buffer of a TCP socket or the Unix domain socket.
If set to 0, the default value of the OS is used.
modify-webtob-connector -name webtob1 -conn 30 -tmin 30 -sndbuf 1200 -rcvbuf 2400 -server server1
26. notify-auto-scale
Notifies added or deleted web servers or JEUS managed servers.
Related schema
notify-auto-scale -wscaleout | -wscalein | -wunlink | -jscaleout | -jscalein -address <ip-address> [-port <server-port>] [-group <group-id>]
Parameter Description -wscaleout
Notifies that a web server has been added.
Notifies that a web server has been deleted.
Notifies that a web server has been terminated.
Notifies that JEUS managed server has been added.
Notifies that JEUS managed server has been deleted.
-address <ip-address>
IP address of a added or deleted server.
[-port <server-port>]
Port of a added or deleted server.
If you are using WebtoB, enter the JSVPORT value specified in the WebtoB settings, which is otherwise not used.
[-group <group-id>]
ID of the group to perform CWDP.
notify-auto-scale -wscaleout -address -port 9900 notify-auto-scale -wscalein -address -port 9900
27. precompile-jsp
Precompiles the JSP files of deployed web contexts.
JSP files are generally compiled when the web engine receives JSP file requests from web browsers. Initial JSP file requests consume a large amount of resources for parsing and compiling, which lengthens the response time.
If there is a large number of JSP files and frequent web user requests, the time and resources required to handle the initial request can affect overall service. To prevent this effect, the precompile-jsp command is used, and the JSP source files are compiled in advance before the service starts.
The precompile-jsp command compiles the deployed modules after JEUS boots up. To use the command when JEUS is not started, use appcompiler instead.
Related schema
precompile-jsp [-server <server-name>] -ctx <context-name> | -id <application-id> [-e <excluded-jsp-list-file> | -l <included-jsp-list-file>]
Parameter Description -ctx <context-name>
Web context name. If the context is in EAR, the input format must be ear-name#context-name.
-id <application-id>
ID of the application that includes the web context. If the application is in an EAR file, the ID cannot be set, the '-ctx' option must be used.
[-e <excluded-jsp-list-file>]
Text file that describes paths that are not compiled based on a web context. JSP paths must be relative paths from the context root and must start with a slash (/).
Use an absolute path to jsp-list-file.
[-l <included-jsp-list-file>]
Text file that describes paths compiled based on a web context. JSP paths must be relative paths from the context root and must start with a slash (/).
Use an absolute path to jsp-list-file.
precompile-jsp -server server1 -ctx myctx
This command can be used without being connected to the server.
28. reload-web-context
Reloads the specified entity (web context) from a disk. Reloads already loaded servlets (JSP) and classes. This command can be used when the reload functions of a servlet or class, such as enable-reload and check-class-reload, are deactivated. (enable-reload, check-class-reload).
When connecting to jeusadmin from a managed server, the server will be set automatically. Therefore, skip the cluster or server option.
Related schema
webreload, reloadctx
reload-web-context -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> -ctx <context-name>
Parameter Description -ctx <context-name>
Context to be reloaded. A value is required.
reload-web-context -server server1 -ctx servlets-examples
29. remove-backup-webtob
Deletes a backup WebtoB.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/web-connections/webtob-connector/webtob-backup
remove-backup-webtob -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f, --forceLock] -name <web-connection-name>
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
-name <web-connection-name>
Name of the WebtoB connecter that has a backup to delete.
remove-backup-webtob -server server1 -name webtob1
30. remove-response-header
Deletes an HTTP Response Custom Header configuration from the web engine. The deleted Response Headers are case-insensitive. The changes only apply to the domain.xml file. In order to apply changes to the actual service, the server must be restarted.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/response-header
remove-response-header -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f,--forceLock] [-a,--all | -n,--name <header-name>]
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
[-a,--all | -n,--name <header-name>]
-n, --name <header-name> deletes an HTTP Response Header. The value is case-insensitive. To specify multiple headers, separate each header with a comma (,).
-a, --all deletes all HTTP Response Headers that are currently set.
remove-response-header -server server1 -n testheader remove-response-header -server server1 -n testheader2,testheader4 remove-response-header -server server1 -a
31. remove-tmax-connector
Deletes a Tmax connector. This command only applies to the domain.xml file. In order to apply changes to the actual service, the server must be restarted.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/web-connections/tmax-connector
remove-tmax-connector -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f,--forceLock] <web-connection-name>
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
-name <web-connection-name>
Tmax connector name.
remove-tmax-connector -server server1 tmax1
32. remove-virtual-host
Deletes a virtual host.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/virtual-host
remove-virtual-host -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f,--forceLock] <virtual-host-name>
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Virtual host name.
remove-virtual-host -server server1 host2
33. remove-valve
Deletes a valve.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - pipeline/valve
remove-valve -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f, --forceLock] -cn, --classname <class-name> [-vh <virtual-host-name>]
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
-cn, --classname <class-name>
Valve class to delete from a server or virtual host.
[-vh <virtual-host-name>]
Virtual host from which a valve will be deleted. If not set, a valve is deleted from a server.
remove-valve -server server1 -cn UserValveBase -vh host1
34. remove-valve-property
Deletes a valve property configuration. The changes only apply to the .xml file. In order to apply changes to the actual service, the server must be restarted.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - pipeline/valve/property
remove-valve-property -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f, --forceLock] -cn, --classname <class-name> -k, --key <key> [-vh <virtual-host-name>]
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
-cn, --classname <class-name>
Valve class that contains a property to delete. It must ba a class that inherits JEUS’s ValveBase.
-k, --key <key>
Key of a property to delete.
[-vh <virtual-host-name>]
Name of the virtual host that contains a valve of a property to delete. If not set, a property of a valve is deleted from a server.
remove-valve-property -server server1 -cn UserValveBase -k userProperty -vh host1
35. remove-web-cookie-policy
Removes an HTTP Cookie Policy configuration from the web engine. The changes only apply to the domain.xml file. In order to apply changes to the actual service, the server must be restarted.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/cookie-policy
rmcp, rmcookie
remove-web-cookie-policy -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f,--forceLock] [-auer,--apply-url-encoding-rule] [-enc,--charset-encoding] [-vh <virtual-host-name>]
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Deletes the configuration that determines whether to apply URL Encoding Rule.
Deletes Charset Encoding, which is used when applying URL Encoding Rule.
[-vh <virtual-host-name>]
Virtual host.
remove-web-cookie-policy -server server1 -auer
36. resume-web-component
Resumes a temporarily suspended web component (servlet).
When connecting to jeusadmin from a managed server, the server will be set automatically. Therefore, skip the cluster or server option.
In JEUS 6, the |
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/web-connections
resume-web-component -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> -ctx,--context <context> -svl,--servlet <servlet>
Parameter Description -ctx, --context <context>
Web context that contains the servlet to be started.
This parameter must be used in conjunction with the -svl option.
Set <context> to the module name from the result of executing the command that used the application-information -type option.
[-svl,--servlet <servlet>]
Servlet to be restarted. This parameter can be used only when the context option is set.
[-svl,--servlet <servlet>] option is used
resume-web-component -server server1 -ctx servlets -svl CookieExample
37. remove-web-encoding
Deletes a Character Set Encoding from the web engine. The changes only apply to the domain.xml file. In order to apply changes to the actual service, the server must be restarted.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/encoding
remove-web-encoding -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f,--forceLock] [-url] [-req] [-res] [-vh <virtual-host-name>]
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Deletes the character set encoding of a request URL.
Deletes the character set encoding of a request.
Deletes the character set encoding of a response.
[-vh <virtual-host-name>]
Virtual host.
remove-web-encoding -server server1 -url remove-web-encoding -server server1 -req -res
38. remove-web-listener
Deletes an HTTP, TCP, or AJP listener. This command only applies to the domain.xml file. In order to apply changes to the actual service, the server must be restarted. The ADMIN-HTTP listener is not deleted.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/web-connections/http-listener, ajp13-listener, tcp-listener
remove-web-listener -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f,--forceLock] <web-connection-name>
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Listener name.
remove-web-listener -server server1 http1
39. remove-web-properties
Deletes property configurations from the web engine. The deleted properties are case-sensitive. The changes only apply to the domain.xml file. In order to apply changes to the actual service, the server must be restarted.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/properties
remove-web-properties -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f,--forceLock] -a,--all | -k,--keys <keys> [-vh <virtual-host-name>]
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
-a,--all | -k,--keys <keys>
-k, --keys <keys> deletes a specified property from the web engine. The value is case-sensitive. To specify multiple keys, separate each key with a comma (,).
-a, --all deletes all properties currently set.
[-vh <virtual-host-name>]
Virtual host.
remove-web-properties -server server1 -k jeus.servlet.jsp.compile-java-source-concurrently1 remove-web-properties -server server1 -a
40. remove-webtob-connector
Deletes a WebtoB connector. This command only applies to the domain.xml file. In order to apply changes to the actual service, the server must be restarted.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/web-connections/webtob-connector
remove-webtob-connector -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f,--forceLock] <web-connection-name>
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
-name <web-connection-name>
WebtoB connector name.
remove-webtob-connector -server server1 webtob1
41. set-valve-property
Adds a valve property configuration. An added property is case-sensitive. This command only applies to the domain.xml file. In order to apply changes to the actual service, the server must be restarted.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - pipeline/valve/property
set-valve-property -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f, --forceLock] -cn, --classname <class-name> -k, --key <key> -v, --value <value> [-vh <virtual-host-name>]
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
-cn, --classname <class-name>
Valve class to add a property to. It must ba a class that inherits JEUS’s ValveBase.
-k, --key <key>
Key to add to valve.
-v, --value <value>
Value to add to valve.
[-vh <virtual-host-name>]
Name of the virtual host to add a property. If not set, a property of a valve is added to a server.
set-valve-property -server server1 -cn UserValveBase -k userProperty -v true -vh host1
42. show-request-processing-flow
Displays the process flow for a request received through a URL pattern or a host name.
When connecting to jeusadmin from a managed server, the server will be set automatically. Therefore, skip the cluster or server option.
Related schema
show-request-processing-flow -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> -path <url-pattern> [-hostname <host-name>]
Parameter Description -path <url-pattern>
URL pattern that starts with a slash (/).
[-hostname <host-name>]
Host name specified in the HTTP host header.
show-request-processing-flow -server server1 -path /test/index.jsp show-request-processing-flow -server server1 -path /test -hostname examples.com
43. show-web-engine-configuration
Displays web engine configurations. For more information about the items and fields displayed when executing this command, refer to the web engine structure reference in the domain.xml file.
An item not set in the domain.xml file is not displayed. In other words, if a value is displayed, the configuration is set or is assigned a default value.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-gine
webcfg, webconf, showwebcfg, showwebconf
show-web-engine-configuration -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-vh,--virtual host] [-cn,--web-connections <connection-type>] [-al,--access-log] [-sc,--session-config] [-rh,--response-header] [-mo,--monitoring] [-enc,--encoding] [-cp,--cookie-policy] [-jsp,--jsp-engine] [-pr,--properties] [-erp,--error-page] [-att,--async-timeout_thread] [-ast,--attach-stacktrace]
Parameter Description [-vh,--virtual host]
Displays the virtual host configuration information.
[-cn,--web-connections <connection-type>]
Displays all web connection configuration information. If a connection type is specified, only the corresponding information will be displayed.
Displays the access log configuration information.
Displays the web engine session configuration information.
Displays the response header configuration information.
Displays the web engine monitoring configuration information.
Displays the web engine encoding configuration information.
Displays the cookie policy configuration information.
Displays the JSP engine configuration information.
Displays the web engine property configuration information.
Displays the default error page configuration of the web engine.
Displays the timeout thread configuration information of an asynchronous servlet.
Displays the configuration that determines whether to add the stack trace when an error occurs.
Display all web engine configurations.
show-web-engine-configuration -server server1
Display web engine configurations by options.
show-web-engine-configuration -erp -att -server server1 show-web-engine-configuration -server server1 -sc
44. show-web-statistics
Displays the JVM memory information of the web engine, the thread pool states of each listener and connector of the web engine, and the request count and the process time of the context.
Related schema
webstats, stat, st
show-web-statistics -server <server-name> [-ctx,--context <context-name>] [-t,--thread | -s,--session | -r,--request |-m,--memory]
Parameter Description [-t,--thread]
Displays the thread pool states of the web engine at each WebContainer and context level. The information displayed includes the number of allocated worker threads, the number of clients in the wait queue, and the maximum number of threads in the thread pool.
Displays the connection information of the session servers in the web engine.
The information displayed includes the name of the currently connected session server, the total number of sessions, and the number of session servers and connections used in the pool.
Displays the accumulated number of processed requests and the average process time for each context.
Displays the state of the memory used by the current JVM in the web engine.
Display thread pool information.
show-web-statistics -server server1 -ctx test -t
Display session server information.
show-web-statistics -server server1 -s
45. show-webtob-connector
Displays WebtoB connection information. It shows the current connection status.
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/web-connections/webtob-connector
show-webtob-connector -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> [-f,--forceLock] -name <web-connection-name>
Parameter Description [-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
-name <web-connection-name>
WebtoB connector name.
show-webtob-connector -server server1 -name webtob1
46. suspend-web-component
Suspends the specified servlet and shows an error page for a client.
When connecting to jeusadmin from a managed server, the server will be set automatically. Therefore, skip the cluster or server option.
In JEUS 6, the websuspend and webtob -s commands are two separate commands. From JEUS 7 onwards, however, the two commands are merged into one command. In addition, starting from JEUS 7, the suspend command for web contexts is no longer supported. Instead, it is recommended to use the stop-application command in JEUS Master Server. |
Related schema
web-engine.xsd - web-engine/web-connections
suspend-web-component -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name> -ctx,--context <context> -svl,--servlet <servlet>
Parameter Description -ctx, --context <context>
Web context that contains the servlet to be suspended. This parameter must be used in conjunction with the -svl option.
Set <context> to the module name from the result of executing the command that used the application-information -type option.
-svl,--servlet <servlet>
Servlet to be suspended. This parameter can be used only when the context option is set.
[-svl,--servlet <servlet>] option is used
suspend-web-component -svl CookieExample -server server1 -ctx servlets