Application Commands
The following is a list of application commands.
Command | Description |
Adds a new application repository. |
Adds a server or cluster as a target of a deployed application. Deploys the application to a server or cluster. Only available for the JEUS Master Server and Managed Server structure. |
Displays information about applications in the domain. |
Deploys an installed application to the target servers. If deployment fails on a single server, application are undeployed from all successful servers. |
Deploys a library to a server or cluster. |
Displays the information of an installed deployment plan. |
Distributes an installed application to each server or cluster. In order to run the service, the application must be started using the start-application command. |
Installs an application. The application ID can be set. |
Installs a deployment plan. At this time, the deployment plan identifier can be defined. |
Installs a library file in a domain. |
Displays information about the libraries that are installed and deployed in a current domain. |
Displays the information of registered application repositories. |
Redeploys an application. |
Deletes an registered application repository. |
Deletes an application deployed or distributed on a server or cluster from the server or cluster. Only available for the JEUS Master Server and Managed Server structure. |
Starts the deployed application. |
Suspends a running application. |
Undeploys a deployed application. |
Deletes an installed application. |
Deletes an installed deployment plan. |
Undeploys a library deployed in a server or cluster. |
Uninstalls a library file from a domain. |
1. add-application-repository
Adds a new application repository to the domain.
addapprepo, installapps
add-application-repository [<application-repository-path>] [-f,--forceLock] [-detail]
Parameter Description [<application-repository-path>]
Absolute path to the application repository to be added.
[-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Displays detailed information.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>add-application-repository /home/user1/apps Successfully performed the ADD operation for An application repository. Check the results using "add-application-repository or list-application-repositories"
2. add-application-target
Adds a server or cluster as a target of a deployed application. Deploys the application to a server or cluster. This command can only be used when the application is in the DEPLOYED, DISTRIBUTED, or RUNNING state. Only available for the JEUS Master Server and Managed Server structure.
addapptarget, addtarget
add-application-target <application-id> [-servers <server-list>] [-clusters <cluster-list>] [-vh,--virtualHost <virtual-host>]
Parameter Description <application-id>
ID of the application to which the target is added.
Use only when the application is in the DEPLOYED, DISTRIBUTED, or RUNNING states.
[-servers <server-list>]
Names of the servers to which the application is added. To specify multiple servers, separate each server with a comma (,).
[-clusters <cluster-list>]
Names of the clusters to which the application is added. To specify multiple clusters, separate each cluster with a comma (,).
[-vh,--virtualHost <virtual-host>]
Virtual host name.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>add-application-target myApp -servers server1 add a target server or cluster to the application for the application [deployment_helloear] succeeded.
3. application-info
Displays information about applications in the domain.
appinfo, list-applications
application-info [-server <server-name>] [-id <application-id> | -state <application-state>] [-type <application-type>] [-module <module-name>] [-bean <bean-name>] [-jndi <jndi-context>] [-mod <jndi-module-name>] [-comp <jndi-component-name>] [-detail,--detail] [-sps,--stateperserver]
Parameter Description [-server <server-name>]
Name of the server in which the application information is displayed in detail.
[-id,--applicationId <application-id>]
Application ID.
[-state <application-state>]
Displays information about applications in the specified state.
[-type <application-type>]
Displays information about applications of the specified type.
Input options:
[-module <module-name>]
Displays the module information of EAR.
[-bean <bean-name>]
Displays detailed information about an EJB Bean.
Server, ID, and module information are required.
[-jndi <jndi-context>]
Displays the JNDI information about an application.
Server and ID information are required.
[-mod <jndi-module-name>]
Displays the JNDI namespace of a module.
[-comp <jndi-component-name>]
Displays the namespace of a component.
Displays detailed information about a stand-alone module.
For a web module, lists of servlets, filters, listeners, WebSocket Server Endpoints, and EJB Bean (EJB in a .war) are displayed.
Displays the server status for each application.
Servers without a status (e.g. server shutdown) are displayed as 'NO_STATE'.
A basic example.
The following is the result.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>application-info Application information for the domain [domain1]. ================================================================================ +----------+-----------+---------+-------------+----------+--------------------+ | Applicat | Applicati | State | Target | Target | Application Path | | ion ID | on Type | | Servers | Clusters | | +----------+-----------+---------+-------------+----------+--------------------+ | myApp | EAR | RUNNING | adminServer | | ${INSTALL_HOME}/my | | | | | | |App/myApp.ear | +----------+-----------+---------+-------------+----------+--------------------+ | myEJB | EJB | RUNNING | | cluster1 | ${INSTALL_HOME}/my | | | | | | |EJB/myEJB.jar | +----------+-----------+---------+-------------+----------+--------------------+ | myWeb | WAR | RUNNING | server1,adm | | ${INSTALL_HOME}/my | | | | |inServer | |Web/myWeb.war | +----------+-----------+---------+-------------+----------+--------------------+ ================================================================================
An example where the stateperserver option is used.
The server status for each application is displayed. Servers without a status are displayed as 'NO_STATE'.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>application-info -sps Application information for the domain [domain1]. ================================================================================ +----------+-----------+---------+-------------+----------+--------------------+ | Applicat | Applicati | State | Target | Target | Application Path | | ion ID | on Type | | Servers | Clusters | | +----------+-----------+---------+-------------+----------+--------------------+ | myApp | EAR | RUNNING | adminServer | | ${INSTALL_HOME}/my | | | | | | |App/myApp.ear | +----------+-----------+---------+-------------+----------+--------------------+ | myEJB | EJB | RUNNING | | cluster1 | ${INSTALL_HOME}/my | | | | | | |EJB/myEJB.jar | +----------+-----------+---------+-------------+----------+--------------------+ | myWeb | WAR | RUNNING | server1,adm | | ${INSTALL_HOME}/my | | | | |inServer | |Web/myWeb.war | +----------+-----------+---------+-------------+----------+--------------------+ ================================================================================ Server-specific state information for each application in the domain [domain1] ================================================================================ +-----------+-------------+----------+---------+----------+--------------------+ | Applicati | Application | State | Server | Cluster | Application Path | | on ID | Type | | | | | +-----------+-------------+----------+---------+----------+--------------------+ | myApp | EAR | RUNNING | adminSe | | ${INSTALL_HOME}/my | | | | |rver | |App/myApp.ear | +-----------+-------------+----------+---------+----------+--------------------+ | myEJB | EJB | RUNNING | server2 | cluster1 | ${INSTALL_HOME}/my | | | | | | |EJB/myEJB.jar | +-----------+-------------+----------+---------+----------+--------------------+ | myEJB | EJB | NO STATE | server3 | cluster1 | ${INSTALL_HOME}/my | | | | | | |EJB/myEJB.jar | +-----------+-------------+----------+---------+----------+--------------------+ | myWeb | WAR | NO STATE | server1 | | ${INSTALL_HOME}/my | | | | | | |Web/myWeb.war | +-----------+-------------+----------+---------+----------+--------------------+ | myWeb | WAR | RUNNING | adminSe | | ${INSTALL_HOME}/my | | | | |rver | |Web/myWeb.war | +-----------+-------------+----------+---------+----------+--------------------+ ================================================================================
4. deploy-application
Deploys an installed application to the target servers. If deployment fails on a single server, application are undeployed from all successful servers.
deployapp, deploy
deploy-application [<application-id>] [-path,--applicationPath <path>] [-servers <server-list>] [-clusters <cluster-list>] [-all] [-exmaster,--excludeMaster] [-vh,--virtualHost <virtual-host>] [-svh,--systemVirtualHost] [-type,--applicationType <application-type>] [-cl,--classloading <classloading-mode>] [-auto,--autoRedeployCheckInterval <auto-redeploy-check-interval>] [-security,--securityDomainName <security-domain-name>] [-fast,--fastDeploy] [-keep,--keepGenerated] [-shared,--sharedDisk] [-u,--upgrade] [-plan,--deploymentPlanName <deployment-plan-name>] [-ctxp,--contextPath <context-path>] [-staging] [-lib,--libraryId <library-IDs>] [-version,--libraryVersion <library-versions>] [-con,--concurrent] [-thn <thread-pool-name>] [-tmin <thread-pool-min>] [-tmax <thread-pool-max>] [-tidle <thread-pool-maxIdleTimeout>] [-qs <thread-pool-maxQueueCount>] [-b <thread-pool base> | -uri <thread-pool-uri>] [-jwdp <jeus-web-dd.xml path>] [-wp <web.xml path>] [-ss,--sessionScope <scope-name>]
Parameter Description [<application-id>]
Application ID entered when the application was installed. To specify multiple application IDs, separate each ID with a comma (,). An ID can be given to an application when a file path is used for distribution. When using a file path, only one ID and one path can be entered.
[-path,--applicationPath <path>]
Path to application files. This option can be used when using the file path without installing the application. This is possible only when the files are in the same machine as JEUS Master Server.
[-servers <server-list>]
Names of the servers to which the application is to be deployed. To specify multiple servers, separate each server with a comma (,).
[-clusters <cluster-list>]
Names of the clusters to which the application is to be deployed. To specify multiple clusters, separate each cluster with a comma (,).
Deploys to all the servers in the domain.
Excludes the JEUS Master Server from the list of servers to which applications are deployed when the 'all' option is used.
[-vh,--virtualHost <virtual-host>]
Virtual host address. A virtual host name defined in the web engine can be selected. This option only operates in a web module.
Deploys an application to a system virtual host.
[-type,--applicationType <application-type>]
Sets the application type.
Input options:
If not specified, this option can be set automatically through DD or annotation.
[-cl,--classloading <classloading-mode>]
Sets the class loading type.
Input options:
ISOLATED (Default value)
[-auto,--autoRedeployCheckInterval <auto-redeploy-check-interval>]
Interval at which to check for automatic application redeployment.
(Unit: ms)
[-security,--securityDomainName <security-domain-name>]
Security domain name to be applied to the application.
By default, the value set in default-application-domain of the domain configuration is used.
Option to use previously created files (if any exists) to speed up the deployment process.
Option to keep the files generated during deployment.
Uses NAS to avoid copying the application file.
Changes the DD format of JEUS 6 or earlier to make it compatible with the current version before deploying an application that has not been installed.
[-plan,-deploymentPlanName <deployment-plan-name>]
Sets the deployment plan file name.
[-ctxp,--contextPath <context-path>]
Sets the context for web applications.
Compresses applications in an exploded module type to send to other machines.
[-lib,--libraryId <library-IDs>]
Library to be referenced by applications. Multiple libraries can be specified by using a comma (,) delimiter.
[-version,--libraryVersion <library-versions>]
Version of the library to be referenced. Multiple libraries can be specified by using a comma (,) delimiter.
[-con, --concurrent]
Option to deploy multiple applications concurrently.
[-thn <thread-pool name>]
Name of a thread pool that will process application-related requests. One context thread pool can be set with the command. For this parameter, -tmin and -tmax options are required.
[-tmin <thread-pool min>]
Minimum number of worker threads maintained in a context thread pool.
[-tmax <thread-pool max>]
Maximum number of worker threads maintained in a context thread pool.
[-tidle <thread-pool max-idle-time>]
Maximum time during which a worker thread is in the idle state before removed from a context thread pool.
[-qs <thread-pool max-queue>]
Maximum requests that can wait in a queue in a context thread pool.
[-b <thread-pool base> | -uri <thread-pool uri>]
Option to identify whether a thread pool to add is a base thread pool or service group thread pool. If '-b' option is specified, the thread pool is recognized as a base thread pool. If no option is specified, a service group thread pool is created, and uri will be an empty string. Multiple URIs can be specified by using a comma (,) delimiter.
[-jwdp <jeus-web-dd.xml path>]
Path to the jeus-web-dd.xml file to be used.
If there are multiple jeus-web-dd.xml, only one with the highest priority is applied. The order of priority is as follows: path mentioned in DeploymentPlan and DeployApplicationCommand, WEB-INF.
[-wp <web.xml path>]
Path to the web.xml file to be used.
If there are multiple web.xml files, only one with the highest priority is applied, which cannot be merged. The order of priority is as follows: path specified in DeploymentPlan and DeployApplicationCommand, WEB-INF, domain/config/servlet.
[-ss,--sessionScope <scope-name>]
Scope to include applications.
You can choose one of the following options for target servers or cluster: [-servers], [-clusters], [-all]
Applications installed
Can be deployed using the application-id.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>deploy-application myApp -servers server1 deploy the application for the application [myApp] succeeded.
Applications not installed
Can be deployed by only specifying the path or by using both the application-id and the path.
Specifying the path only[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>deploy-application -path /home/user/apps/sample.war -servers server1 deploy the application for the application [/home/user/apps/sample.war] succeeded.
Using both the application-id and path[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>deploy-application myApp -path /home/user/apps/sample.war -servers server1 deploy the application for the application [myApp] succeeded.
5. deploy-library
Deploys a library installed in a domain to a server or cluster.
deploy-library <library-id> [-version,--libraryVersion <version>] [-all] [-clusters <cluster-list>] [-servers <server-list>]
Parameter Description <library-id>
ID of the library to be deployed.
[-version,--libraryVersion <version>]
Version of the library to be deployed.
Deploys the library to all servers.
[-clusters <cluster-list>]
Clusters to which the application is to be deployed. To specify multiple clusters, separate each cluster with a comma (,).
[-servers <server-list>]
Server where the library will be deployed to. Multiple servers can be specified by using a comma (,) delimiter.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>deploy-library log4j -version 1.2.17 -servers adminServer deploy the library [log4j] succeeded.
6. deployment-plan-info
Displays the information of an installed deployment plan.
deployment-plan-info [-name,--deploymentPlanName <deployment-plan-name>]
Parameter Description [-name,--deploymentPlanName <deployment-plan-name>]
Sets the deployment plan name (identifier).
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>deployment-plan-info The list of deployment plans installed in the domain and the applications to which each deployment plan applies =========================================================== +------------------------------------------+--------------+ | Deployment plan | Applications | +------------------------------------------+--------------+ | plan1 | | +------------------------------------------+--------------+ ===========================================================
7. distribute-application
Distributes an installed application to each server or cluster. In order to run the service, the application must be started using the start-application command.
distributeapp, distapp, distribute
distribute-application [<application-id>] [-path,--applicationPath <path>] [-servers <server-list>] [-clusters <cluster-list>] [-all] [-exmaster,--excludeMaster] [-vh,--virtualHost <virtual-host>] [-svh,--systemVirtualHost] [-type,--applicationType <application-type>] [-cl,--classloading <classloading-mode>] [-auto,--autoRedeployCheckInterval <auto-redeploy-check-interval>] [-security,--securityDomainName <security-domain-name>] [-fast,--fastDeploy] [-keep,--keepGenerated] [-shared,--sharedDisk] [-u,--upgrade] [-plan,--deploymentPlanName <deployment-plan-name>] [-ctxp,--contextPath <context-path>] [-staging] [-lib,--libraryId <library-IDs>] [-version,--libraryVersion <library-versions>] [-con,--concurrent]
Parameter Description [<application-id>]
Application ID entered when the application was installed. To specify multiple application IDs, separate each ID with a comma (,). An ID can be given to an application when a file path is used for distribution. When using a file path, only one ID and one path can be entered.
[-path,--applicationPath <path>]
Path to application files. This option can be used when using the file path without installing the application. This is possible only when the files are in the same machine as JEUS Master Server.
[-servers <server-list>]
Names of the servers to which the application is distributed. To specify multiple servers, separate each server with a comma (,).
[-clusters <cluster-list>]
Names of the clusters to which the application is distributed. To specify multiple clusters, separate each cluster with a comma (,).
Installs onto all servers in the domain.
Excludes the JEUS Master Server from the list of servers to which applications are deployed when the 'all' option is used.
[-vh,--virtualHost <virtual-host>]
Virtual host address. A virtual host name defined in the web engine can be selected. This option only operates in a web module.
Deploys an application to a system virtual host.
[-type,--applicationType <application-type>]
Sets the application type.
Input options:
If not specified, this option can be set automatically through DD or annotation.
[-cl,--classloading <classloading-mode>]
Sets the class loading type.
Input options:
ISOLATED (Default value)
[-auto,--autoRedeployCheckInterval <auto-redeploy-check-interval>]
Interval at which to check for automatic application redeployment.
(Unit: ms)
[-security,--securityDomainName <security-domain-name>]
Security domain name to be applied to the application. By default, the value set in default-application-domain of the domain configuration is used.
Option to use previously created files (if any exists) to speed up the deployment process.
Option to keep the files generated during deployment.
Uses NAS to avoid copying the application file.
Changes the DD format of JEUS 6 or earlier to make it compatible with the current version before deploying an application that has not been installed.
[-plan,-deploymentPlanName <deployment-plan-name>]
Sets the deployment plan file name.
[-ctxp,--contextPath <context-path>]
Sets the context for web applications.
Compresses applications in an exploded module type to send to other machines.
[-lib,--libraryId <library-IDs>]
Library to be referenced by applications. Multiple libraries can be specified by using a comma (,) delimiter.
[-version,--libraryVersion <library-versions>]
Version of the library to be referenced. Multiple libraries can be specified by using a comma (,) delimiter.
[-con, --concurrent]
Option to deploy multiple applications simultaneously during deployment.
You can choose one of the following options for target servers or cluster: [-servers], [-clusters], [-all]
Applications installed
Can be deployed using the application-id.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>distribute-application myApp -servers server1 distribute the application for the application [myApp] succeeded.
Applications not installed
Can be deployed by only specifying the path or by using both the application-id and the path.
Specifying the path only[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>distribute-application -path /home/user/apps/sample.war -servers server1 distribute the application for the application [/home/user/apps/sample.war] succeeded.
Using both the application-id and path[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>distribute-application myApp -path /home/user/apps/sample.war -servers server1 distribute the application for the application [myApp] succeeded.
8. install-application
Installs an application. The application ID can be set. The application file name can be used instead of the ID, and the '.' character is replaced with the '_' character.
installapp, install-app
install-application <application-source-path> [-id,--applicationId <application-id>] [-f,--force] [-u,--upgrade]
Parameter Description <application-source-path>
Path to the application.
[-id,--applicationId <application-id>]
Application ID.
Overwrites the existing application with the same ID.
Changes the DD format of JEUS 6 or earlier versions to make it compatible with the current version.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>install-application /home/apps/myApp.ear -id myApp Successfully installed the application [myApp].
9. install-deployment-plan
Installs a deployment plan. An identifier of the deployment plan can be defined.
install-deployment-plan -path,--deploymentPlanPath <deployment-plan-path> [-name,--deploymentPlanName <deployment-plan-name>] [-f,--force]
Parameter Description -path,--deploymentPlanPath <deployment-plan-path>
Path to the deployment plan.
[-name,--deploymentPlanName <deployment-plan-name>]
Sets the deployment plan name (identifier).
Overwrites the existing deployment plan with the same name.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>install-deployment-plan -path /home/plans/jeus-deployment-plan.xml -name plan1 Installing the deployment plan [plan1] was successful.
10. install-library
Installs a library file in a domain.
installlib, install-lib
install-library <library-id> -path <library-source-path> [-version,--libraryVersion <version>]
Parameter Description <library-id>
ID of the library to be installed.
-path <library-source-path>
Path to the library to be installed.
[-version,--libraryVersion <version>]
Version of the library to be installed. (Default value: 1.0)
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>install-library log4j -path /home/lib/apache-log4j-1.2.17/log4j-1.2.17.jar -version 1.2.17 Successfully installed the library [log4j] version [1.2.17].
11. library-info
Displays information about the libraries that have been installed and deployed.
libinfo, list-libraries
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>library-info Library information ================================================================================ +-----------+--------+--------+---------------+------------------+-------------+ | Library ID| Version| State | Target Servers| Target Clusters | Applications| +-----------+--------+--------+---------------+------------------+-------------+ | log4j | 1.2.17 | RUNNING| adminServer | | | +-----------+--------+--------+---------------+------------------+-------------+ ================================================================================
12. list-application-repositories
Displays the information about registered application repositories.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-application-repositories Application Repositories ================================================================================ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Path of Application Repository | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | /home/user1/apps/ | | //host1/shared/apps | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ================================================================================
13. redeploy-application
Redeploys an application.
redepapp, redeploy
redeploy-application <application-id> [-path,--uploadPath <application-upload-path>] [-masterPath,--pathManuallyInstalled <application-source-path-in-master>] [-to <graceful-timeout>] [-f,--force] [-distonly,--distributeOnly] [-plan,-deploymentPlanName <deployment-plan-name>] [-lib,--libraryId <library-IDs>] [-version,--libraryVersion <library-versions>] [-u,--upgrade]
Parameter Description <application-id>
Application ID. To specify multiple application IDs, separate each ID with a comma (,).
[-path, --uploadPath <application-upload-path>]
Path to the modified application files. This can be used to reinstall files.
[-masterPath, --pathManuallyInstalled <application-source-path-in-master>]
Path to the local files of the changed application. This can be accessed from the JEUS Master Server. This does not include the installation steps.
[-to <graceful-timeout>]
Timeout value for graceful undeployment. (Unit: second)
Keeps the existing application running on the server.
Distributes the application to each server.
[-plan,-deploymentPlanName <deployment-plan-name>]
Sets the deployment plan file name.
[-lib,--libraryId <library-IDs>]
Library to be referenced by applications. Multiple libraries can be specified by using a comma (,) delimiter.
[-version,--libraryVersion <library-versions>]
Version of the library to be referenced. Multiple libraries can be specified by using a comma (,) delimiter.
[-u, --upgrade]
Upgrades the DD of a new application for the current version of JEUS. This option is enabled only when the application has been specified using the path option or the masterPath option.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>redeploy-application myApp redeploy application on JEUS Master Server for the application [myApp] succeeded.
14. remove-application-repository
Deletes a registered application repository.
rmapprepo, removeapprepo, uninstallapps
remove-application-repository [<application-repository-path>] [-f,--forceLock] [-detail]
Parameter Description [<application-repository-path>]
Path to the application repository to be deleted.
[-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Displays detailed information.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>remove-application-repository /home/user1/apps Successfully performed the REMOVE operation for An application repository. Check the results using "remove-application-repository or list-application-repositories"
15. remove-application-target
Deletes an application deployed or distributed on a server or a cluster from a server or cluster. Only available for the JEUS Master Server and Managed Server structure.
remove-app-target, remove-target, rm-app-target, rmapptarget
remove-application-target <application-id> [-servers <server-list>] [-clusters <cluster-list>] [-vh,--virtualHost <virtual-host>]
Parameter Description <application-id>
ID of the application to be deleted.
[-servers <server-lists>]
Server from which the application is deleted. To specify multiple servers, separate each server with a comma (,).
[-clusters <cluster-lists>]
Cluster from which the application is deleted. To specify multiple clusters, separate each cluster with a comma (,).
[-vh,--virtualHost <virtual-host>]
Virtual host name.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>remove-application-target myApp -servers server1 remove server or cluster target from the application for the application [myApp] succeeded.
16. start-application
Starts the deployed application.
startapp, start-app
start-application <application-id> [-con,--concurrent]
Parameter Description <application-id>
ID of the application to be started. To specify multiple applications, separate each application with a comma (,).
[-con, --concurrent]
Option to start multiple applications simultaneously.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>start-application myApp start the application for the application [myApp] succeeded.
17. stop-application
Suspends a running application.
stopapp, stop-app
stop-application <application-id> [-con,--concurrent]
Parameter Description <application-id>
ID of the application to be stopped. To specify multiple applications, separate each application with a comma (,).
[-con, --concurrent]
Option to stop multiple applications simultaneously.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>stop-application myApp stop the application for the application [myApp] succeeded.
18. undeploy-application
Undeploys a deployed application.
undeployapp, undeploy
undeploy-application <application-id> [-to,--gracefultimeout <graceful-undeploy-timeout>] [-f,--force <non-graceful undeploy>] [-new | -old | -all] [-con,--concurrent] [-rss,--removeSessionScope]
Parameter Description <application-id>
Application ID. To specify multiple application IDs, separate each ID with a comma (,).
[-to,--gracefultimeout <graceful-undeploy-timeout>]
Period in which to apply graceful undeployment. Waits the specified period for the current request to complete. (Unit: second)
[-f,--force <non-graceful undeploy>]
Graceful undeployment is not performed. The current process requests are ignored, and the application is undeployed.
When gracefully redeploying, undeploys a new application and runs the existing application.
When gracefully redeploying, undeploys the existing application.
When gracefully redeploying, undeploys both new and existing applications.
[-con, --concurrent]
Option to undeploy multiple applications concurrently.
Deletes applications within the configured scope.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>undeploy-application myApp Undeploying [myApp] (This may take time due to graceful undeployment) .......... undeploy the application for the application [myApp] succeeded. Successfully undeployed (elapsed = 2822ms)
19. undeploy-library
Undeploys a library deployed to a server or cluster.
undeploy-library <library-id> [-version,--libraryVersion <version>]
Parameter Description <library-id>
ID of the library to be deployed.
[-version,--libraryVersion <version>]
Version of the library to be undeployed.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>undeploy-library log4j -version 1.2.17 undeploy the library [log4j] succeeded.
20. uninstall-application
Deletes installed applications.
uninstallapp, uninstall
uninstall-application <application-id> | [-all]
Parameter Description <application-id>
Application ID. To specify multiple application IDs, separate each ID with a comma (,).
Deletes all applications from the domain.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>uninstall-application myApp uninstall the application for the application [myApp] succeeded. : Successfully deleted [myApp].
21. uninstall-deployment-plan
Deletes the installed deployment plan.
uninstall-deployment-plan <deployment-plan-name> | [-all]
Parameter Description <deployment-plan-name>
Deployment plan identifier (name) to be deleted.
Deletes all deployment plans.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>uninstall-deployment-plan plan1 Uninstalling the deployment plan was successful.
22. uninstall-library
Uninstalls a library file from a domain.
uninstall-library <library-id> [-version,--libraryVersion <version>]
Parameter Description <library-id>
ID of the library to be uninstalled.
[-version,--libraryVersion <version>]
Version of the library to be uninstalled.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>uninstall-library log4j -version 1.2.17 uninstall the library [log4j] succeeded. : Successfully deleted [log4j].