
webddgen creates and updates jeus-web-dd.xml in the WEB-INF directory of a web application according to the user input values. This tool also creates the jeus-ejb-dd.xml file in the WEB-INF directory of a web module. If the file is compressed, jeus-web-dd.xml is included in the file.

The following describes how to use the tool and parameters.

  • Usage

    webddgen -file <war-file-path>
             [-ctx <context-path>]
             [-prop <context-level-property>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -file <war-file-path>

    Path to the web module.

    [-ctx <context-path>]

    context-path to be set in jeus-web-dd.xml.

    [-prop <context-level-property>]

    Web module-specific property.

    For example, to use the JSP written in JEUS 4 without modifying the file, set the jeus.servlet.jsp.modern property of the web module that contains the JSP to false. The property format is name=value.

    (E.g., jeus.servlet.jsp.modern=false)


    Option that ensures the directory used internally in webddgen is not deleted unless webddgen is re-executed. This option is useful when debugging a problem that occurred during operation.

  • Example

    • Display usage information.

      $ webddgen -help
    • Create jeus-web-dd.xml in the web.war file.

      $ webddgen -file web.war
    • Add context-path when creating jeus-web-dd.xml.

      $ webddgen -file web.war -ctx /web1
    • Set the jeus.servlet.jsp.modern property to false for the web module containing JSP written in JEUS 4.

      $ webddgen -file oldjsps.war -prop jeus.servlet.jsp.modern=false